Title Sinteza amfifilnih derivata indikatora metil crveno i fizikalno-kemijska karakterizacija njegovih supramolekularnih agregata
Title (english) Synthesis of the amphiphilic derivates of methyl red indicator and the physiochemical characterization of its supramolecular aggregates
Author Marija Ceranić
Mentor Duško Čakara (mentor)
Mentor Nela Malatesti (komentor)
Committee member Jurica Novak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Maria Kolympadi Markovic (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Duško Čakara (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nela Malatesti (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Abstract Samonakupljanje molekula spontan je proces gdje je nastajanje supramolekularnih struktura rezultat djelovanja slabih nekovalentnih interakcija. Posljednjih godina se sve više pojavljuju studije usredotočene na interakcije sintetiziranih azo boja s različitim vrstama površinski aktivnih tvari, za koje promjene u UV-VIS spektru ukazuju na ostvarivanje međumolekulskih interakcija koje dovode do stvaranja agregata. Među njima veliku pažnju zauzimaju amfifilne boje koje djeluju kao kiselinsko-bazni indikatori, a primjenu pronalaze ne samo u industrijskim procesima, već i u biomedicinskim istraživanjima kao potencionalni agensi u prijenosu lijekova.
U ovom radu sintetizirani su amfifilni derivati indikatora metil crveno, supstitucijom alkilnog lanca sa 6 i 12 C atoma. Optimiziran je sintetski put promjenom parametara reakcije kao i otapala pri pročišćavanju te su istražena svojstva novih spojeva u vodenom mediju u odnosu na koncentraciju i pH. Fotofizikalna svojstva spojeva i njihovih agregata u vodenom mediju istražena su mjerenjem UV-VIS spektara, a proces samonakupljanja tehnikama dinamičkog raspršenja svjetlosti i tenziometrije s visećom kapi. Potencijalna primjena novih spojeva ispitana je eksperimentom vezanja na površinu hidrofobiziranog stakalca.
Pomaci u apsorpcijskim spektrima ukazali su na prisutnost agregata u vodenome mediju kao i nepostojanje ovisnosti apsorpcije o pH pripremljenih suspenzija. Mjerenjem veličine agregata i usporedbom vrijednosti hidrodinamičkih promjera uočeno je da sintetizirani spojevi agregiraju u vezikule čija veličina ne ovisi značajno o koncentraciji. Također veličine vezikula izmjerene unutar duljeg vremenskog perioda ukazuju na razliku u njihovoj stabilnosti, pri čemu vezikule sačinjene od spoja s kraćim lancem, pokazuju uspostavu termodinamičke ravnoteže u kraćem vremenskom periodu. Mjerenjem površinske napetosti i potenciometrijskom titracijom, utvrđen je neionski karakter sintetiziranih spojeva, koji nikako (spoj 1) ili minimalno (spoj 2) smanjuju površinsku napetost na granici faza voda/zrak. Rezultati potenciometrijske titracije, kao i UV/VIS spektrofotometrije, pobijaju hipotezu da bi novi derivati mogli djelovati kao pH indikatori. Ipak, sintetizirani spojevi pojačano se vežu na hidorofobno staklo u odnosu na metil crveno, što pokazuje smjer za razvoj sličnih spojeva s mogućom primjenom u području funkcionalnih površina.
Abstract (english) Self-assembly of molecules is a spontaneous process where the formation of supramolecular structures is the result of weak non-covalent interactions. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of studies focusing on the interactions of synthesized azo dyes with different types of surfactants, for which changes in the UV-VIS spectrum indicate the existence of intermolecular interactions that lead to the formation of supramolecular assemblies (aggregates). Among those previously mentioned, amphiphilic dyes that act as acid-base indicators are quite prominent while their application is found not only in industrial processes, but also in biomedical research as potential agents in the transfer of drugs.
In this work, amphiphilic derivatives of the methyl red indicator were synthesized by substitution of the alkyl chain with 6 and 12 C atoms. The synthetic route was optimized by changing the parameters of the reaction and the solvent used in the purification. The properties of the new compounds were also tested in the aqueous medium with respect to concentration and pH. The photophysical properties of the compounds were investigated by measuring the UV-VIS spectrum, while the process of self-assembly was characterized by dynamic light scattering technique and pendant drop tensiometry. Potential applications of new compounds were tested by their binding at the surface of hydrophobized glass slides.
Shifts in the absorption spectra indicated the presence of aggregates in the aqueous solution, as well as the lack of pH-dependence of absorption by the prepared suspensions. By measuring the size of the aggregates and comparing the values of their hydrodynamic diameters, it was evidenced that the synthesized compounds aggregate into vesicles whose size does not significantly depend on the concentration. The size of the vesicles formed by the two synthesized compounds, measured within a prolonged time period, point to a difference in the stability, whereby the vesicles formed by the compound with a shorter hydrocarbon chain, exhibit an establishment of a thermodynamic equilibrium in a shorter period of time. From the surface tension and potentiometric titration measurements, a non-ionic character of the compounds was established, whereby these compounds only minimally (compound 2) or not at all (compound 1) reduce the surface tension at the air/water interface. The results of the potentiometric titration and the UV/VIS spectrophotometry denounce the hypothesis that the new derivatives could act as pH indicators. Nevertheless, the observed increased binding of these compounds at the surface of hydrophobized glass, point to the perspective of development of similar compounds with an application in the field of functional surfaces.
samonakupljanje (agregacija)
amfifilne molekule
dinamičko raspršenje svjetlosti
površinska napetost
Keywords (english)
self-assembly (aggregation)
amphiphilic molecules
dynamic light scattering
surface tension
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:664667
Study programme Title: Medicinal chemistry Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra medicinske kemije (magistar/magistra medicinske kemije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development
Created on 2022-09-29 10:33:43