Title EHD3 aggregation depends on more than one critical region
Title (croatian) Agregacija EHD3 ovisi o više kritičnih regija
Author Tina Fartek
Mentor Nicholas Bradshaw (mentor)
Committee member Nicholas Bradshaw (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Rozi Andretić Waldowski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Christian Andrew Reynolds (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-09-19, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Abstract Schizophrenia is a debilitating chronic mental illness that affects people’s
ability to perform daily activities. Schizophrenia is treated with antipsychotics
and psychotherapy which only target the symptoms, however there is little
known about its molecular background. There are several biological theories
of schizophrenia, but the most influential is the dopamine hypothesis, which
states that there is an imbalance in dopamine transmission. Other theories
suggest neurodevelopmental changes, such as brain maturation and altered
neurotransmission, as key factors in development of schizophrenia. Along with
genetic and environmental factors, which contribute to development of
schizophrenia, protein aggregation was introduced as a possible non-genetic
cause. Protein aggregation occurs when proteins misfold due to errors in
folding or trafficking machinery. One newly discovered protein to aggregate in
brains of schizophrenia patients is EH-domain containing 3 (EHD3). EHD3 is
believed to be one of the main regulators of endocytic recycling involved,
among other functions, in endosome trafficking and promotion of
dopaminergic transmission. Previous research showed that full length EHD3
consistently aggregates in SH-SY5Y cells, while a truncated form EHD3 1-399,
with its linker region deleted, does not. In contrast, EHD3 1-434, which
contains both the linker region and an EH domain, aggregates. Linker region
was therefore suspected to be a critical region for EHD3 aggregation. In this
thesis, we aimed to determine whether the aggregation occurs within 400-
434 amino acids of EHD3 by fluorescent microscopy and ultracentrifugation
assay. Ultracentrifugation data surprisingly revealed that EHD3 1-434 does
not appear in the aggregome of HEK293 cells, as hypothesized, but it still
formed aggregate-like structures in both SH-SY5Y and HEK293 cells. Since
EHD3 1-434 probably does not aggregate, we suspected involvement of the
EH domain in EHD3 aggregation. Novel fragments EHD3 1-404 and EHD3 400-
535 were therefore cloned and expressed in both cell lines. However, they did
not show any signs of aggregation. Co-aggregation of full length EHD3 with
non-aggregating EHD3 1-399 was also investigated. Fluorescent microscopy
results showed that full length EHD3 induces EHD3 1-399 to aggregation in
neuroblastoma cells. Future research is needed to determine the critical region
of EHD3 aggregation by generating novel constructs that include small parts
of linker region or the EH domain.
Abstract (croatian) Shizofrenija je kronična mentalna bolest koja utječe na sposobnost
izvršavanja redovnih dnevnih aktivnosti. Tipične linije liječenja shizofrenije su
antipsihotici i psihoterapija koji ciljaju samo simptome, no malo se zna o
njenim molekularnim uzrocima. Između nekoliko razrađenih bioloških teorija
shizofrenije, najviše se ističe dopaminska hipoteza koja počiva na nedostatku
ravnoteže u prijenosu dopamina. Druge teorije predlažu neurorazvojne
promjene, poput maturacije mozga i promijenjene neurotransmisije, kao
glavne čimbenike u razvoju shizofrenije. Uz genetske i okolišne čimbenike koji
doprinose razvoju shizofrenije, agregacija proteina predložena je kao moguć
ne-genetski uzrok. Agregacija proteina proizlazi iz nepravilnog smatanja
proteina uzrokovanog greškama u mehanizmima za smatanje i prijenos. Jedan
od novootkrivenih proteina koji agregira u mozgu pacijenata sa shizofrenijom
je EH-domain containing 3 (EHD3). Kao jedan od glavnih regulatora
endocitoznog recikliranja, smatra se da je uključen i u endosomalni prijenos i
pospješivanje dopaminske transmisije. Prethodna istraživanja pokazuju da
EHD3 konzistentno agregira u stanicama neuroblastoma, osim u obliku EHD3
1-399, kada mu je linker regija izbrisana. Nasuprot tome, EHD3 1-434, koji
sadrži i linker regiju i EH domenu, agregira. Posljedično, linker regija je
pretpostavljena kao moguća kritična regija za EHD3 agregaciju. U ovom radu,
težili smo odrediti događa li se agregacija unutar 400-434 aminokiselina
EHD3, koristeći se fluorescentnom mikroskopijom i ultracentrifugiranjem.
Iznenađujuće, rezultati ultracentrifugiranja pokazuju da se EHD3 1-434 ne
nalazi u agregomu HEK293 stanica kao što se pretpostavljalo, ali formira
strukture slične agregatima u SH-SY5Y i HEK293 stanicama. Kako EHD3 1-
434 ne agregira, sumnjali smo na ulogu EH domene u agregaciji EHD3. Novi
fragmenti EHD3 1-404 i EHD3 400-535 stoga su klonirani i eksprimirani u obje
stanične linije, no nisu pokazali nikakve znakove agregacije. Također, ispitala
se i ko-agregacija „full length“ EHD3 s EHD3 1-399 koji obično ne agregira.
Rezultati fluorescentne mikroskopije pokazali su da „full length“ EHD3 inducira
EHD3 1-399 na agregaciju u stanicama neuroblastoma. Potrebna su daljnja
istraživanja kako bi se odredila kritična regija EHD3 agregacije putem
kloniranja novih fragmenata koji uključuju male dijelove linker regije ili EH
protein aggregation
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:255162
Study programme Title: Biotechnology in medicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra biotehnologije u medicini (magistar/magistra biotehnologije u medicini)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2024-10-24
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development
Created on 2022-10-24 11:42:15