Title Regulation of the expression of somatic H1 subtypes in human lines
Title (croatian) Regulacija ekspresije somatskih podtipova H1 u ljudskim staničnim linijama
Author Laura Bilaver
Mentor Alicia Roque Cordova (mentor)
Mentor Željka Minić (komentor)
Committee member Nicholas Bradshaw (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željka Minić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivan Gudelj (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Abstract Histone H1 or linker histone is involved in the regulation of chromatin
structure (4). Histone H1 is part of a multigene family encoding eleven
subtypes, seven somatic subtypes, and four germ-line specific subtypes (1).
The complement of histone H1 is defined as the subtype composition and
their proportions in a cell on a given condition. H1 complement is variable
and several studies have reported that is altered in disease, in particular in
cancer (2). Therefore, more studies must be performed in order to
understand its functions in diseases. In this study the global aim is to
understand regulation of the expression of somatic subtypes in human cell
lines. Our first objective was to study the role of m6A in the regulation of
the mRNA and protein levels of histone H1 subtypes. We used cycloleucine
to inhibit METTL3, m6A methyltransferase. We tested several doses finding
that in high doses of inhibitor prevent the ability of cells to replicate in the
same hour period as untreated cells and effect of cycloleucine is dosedependent in both cell lines. In HEK293T cycloleucine had shown different
effects on the cell cycle depending on the dose and the time of treatment.
In contrast, in HeLa the distribution of the cell cycle phases was not affected
at 24h in any dose. H1 subtypes were differentially affected. At the mRNA
level, HeLa cell line showed alteration of mRNA levels that occur in most of
the H1 genes and controls at all doses tested, including the lowest dose. At
the protein level, changes observed (increase or decrease) are in agreement
with changes observed in the mRNA, except for H1.4. Considering the
magnitude of the change, there is no correspondence between mRNA and
protein levels. In general, the effects are different among subtypes
supporting the idea that m6A plays a subtype specific role in H1 regulation.
Our second objective was to study the regulation of H1 protein levels by the
proteasome in HeLa and HEK293T. We used to inhibitors MG132 and
bortezomib. We confirmed that the proteasome is involved in the
degradation of H1 subtypes in a subtype- and cell-type specific manner.
Abstract (croatian) Histon H1 ili vezni histon sudjeluje u regulaciji strukture kromatina (4).
Histon H1 dio je multigenske obitelji koja kodira jedanaest podtipova,
sedam somatskih podtipova i četiri podtipa specifična za zametnu liniju (1).
Komplement histona H1 definiran je kao sastav podtipa i njihov udio u
stanici u danom stanju. H1 komplement je varijabilan i nekoliko je studija
objavilo da se mijenja tijekom bolesti, posebice kod raka (2). Stoga je
potrebno provesti više studija kako bi se razumjele njegove funkcije u
bolestima. U ovoj studiji globalni cilj je razumjeti regulaciju ekspresije
somatskih podtipova u ljudskim staničnim linijama. Naš prvi cilj bio je
proučiti ulogu m6A u regulaciji razine mRNA i proteina podtipova histona
H1. Koristili smo cikloleucin za inhibiciju METTL3, m6A metiltransferaze.
Testirali smo nekoliko doza otkrivši da visoke doze inhibitora sprječavaju
sposobnost stanica da se repliciraju u istom vremenskom razdoblju kao i
netretirane stanice, a učinak cikloleucina ovisi o dozi u obje stanične linije.
U HEK293T cikloleucin je pokazao različite učinke na stanični ciklus ovisno
o dozi i vremenu liječenja. Nasuprot tome, u HeLa distribucija faza
staničnog ciklusa nije bila promijenjena u 24 sata ni u jednoj dozi. Podtipovi
H1 različito su pogođeni. Na razini mRNA, stanična linija HeLa pokazala je
promjenu razina mRNA koja se javlja u većini H1 gena i kontrola pri svim
testiranim dozama, uključujući najnižu dozu. Na razini proteina, uočene
promjene (povećanje ili smanjenje) u skladu su s promjenama uočenim u
mRNA, osim za H1.4. S obzirom na veličinu promjene, ne postoji
podudarnost između razine mRNA i proteina. Općenito, učinci su različiti
među podtipovima što podržava ideju da m6A igra specifičnu ulogu podtipa
u regulaciji H1. Naš drugi cilj bio je proučiti regulaciju razine H1 proteina
pomoću proteasoma u HeLa i HEK293T. Koristili smo inhibitore MG132 i
bortezomib. Potvrdili smo da je proteasom uključen u razgradnju podtipova
H1 na način specifičan za podtip i tip stanice.
Histone H1
m6A regulation
proteasome degradation
Keywords (croatian)
Histon H1
regulacija m6A
razgradnja proteasoma
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:547640
Study programme Title: Drug research and development Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra istraživanja i razvoja lijekova (magistar/magistra istraživanja i razvoja lijekova)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access Embargo expiration date: 2024-10-24
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development
Created on 2022-10-24 11:57:44