Title (croatian) Ko-agregacija proteina TRIOBP-1 i NDE1 te njihova značajnost u mentalnim bolestima
Author Anja Hart
Mentor Nicholas James Bradshaw (mentor)
Committee member Miranda Mladinić Pejatović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mladen Merćep (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology Molecular Biotechnology
Abstract Schizophrenia is a chronic mental illness, that affects people worldwide, and presents a significant challenge within the field of mental health. Because of its global rise in prevalence, the imperative to comprehend its underlying molecular mechanisms becomes increasingly vital. The complexity of this and other chronic mental illnesses presents significant diagnostic and treatment challenges, emphasizing the need for innovative approaches to address their intricate nature. Recent insights, as well as the focus of this thesis, aim to shed light on the occurrence of protein aggregation in the context of schizophrenia, offering new perspectives alongside genetics and environmental factors. This thesis focuses on the co-aggregation of TRIOBP-1 and NDE1, both of which play crucial roles in cellular processes and neurobiology and delves into their interaction, aiming to unravel their contributions to the disorder. Previous studies acknowledge NDE1's interactions with aggregating proteins like TRIOBP-1 and DISC1, underscoring its significance in this context.
To investigate this co-aggregation further, we employed a range of methodologies. Plasmids were expressed in neuroblastoma cells, and their interactions were visualized using immunofluorescent microscopy. Western blot analysis confirmed the presence and expression levels of proteins. Additionally, we utilized an insoluble protein purification assay to validate the observed aggregates. Notably, our experiments revealed surprising findings, such as NDE1-inducing aggregation in mutant TRIOBP-1 and the co-aggregation of Flag-NDE1 and EGFP. These results shed light on the complex ways in which NDE1 can interact with other proteins.
This research unveiled intricate protein interactions, emphasizing the ongoing need for a deeper understanding of this disorder. By unravelling the links between protein aggregation and schizophrenia, studies like this pave the way for more accurate diagnostics and innovative treatment approaches. These insights hold the promise of enhancing the quality of life for individuals with schizophrenia and driving further progress in this area.
Abstract (croatian) Schizofrenija je kronična mentalna bolest koja utječe na ljude diljem svijeta i predstavlja značajan izazov u području mentalnog zdravlja. S obzirom na globalni porast njezine prevalencije, postaje sve važnije razumjeti njezine temeljne molekularne mehanizme. Složenost ove i drugih kroničnih mentalnih bolesti stvara znatne izazove u dijagnostici i liječenju, što ističe potrebu za inovativnim pristupima za razumijevanje njihove složene prirode. Nedavna otkrića, kao i fokus ovog rada, imaju za cilj staviti fokus na pojavu agregacije proteina u kontekstu schizofrenije, nudeći nove perspektive uz genetiku i čimbenike okoliša. Ovaj rad usredotočuje se na koagregaciju TRIOBP-1 i NDE1, od kojih oba igraju ključne uloge u staničnim procesima i neurobiologiji, te istražuje njihovu interakciju kako bi se razotkrili njihovi doprinosi tom poremećaju. Prethodne studije potvrđuju interakcije NDE1 s agregirajućim proteinima poput TRIOBP-1 i DISC1, ističući njegovu važnost u tom kontekstu.
Kako bismo dalje istražili ovu koagregaciju, koristili smo niz metodologija. Plazmide smo izrazili u stanicama neuroblastoma te smo njihove interakcije vizualizirali upotrebom imunofluorescentne mikroskopije. Western blot analiza potvrdila je prisutnost i razine izraženih proteina. Nadalje, koristili smo esej purifikacije netopivih proteina kako bismo potvrdili promatrane agregate. Značajno je da su naši eksperimenti otkrili iznenađujuće rezultate, poput NDE1 koji potiče agregaciju mutiranog TRIOBP-1 i koagregaciju Flag-NDE1 i EGFP-a. Ti rezultati stavljaju fokus na kompleksne načine na koje NDE1 može interagirati s drugim proteinima.
Ovo istraživanje otkrilo je kompleksne interakcije proteina, naglašavajući stalnu potrebu za dubljim razumijevanjem ovog poremećaja. Razotkrivanjem veza između agregacije proteina i schizofrenije, istraživanja poput ovog otvaraju put za precizniju dijagnostiku i inovativne pristupe liječenju. Ovi uvidi obećavaju poboljšanje kvalitete života osoba sa schizofrenijom i potiču daljnji napredak u ovom području.
protein aggregation
mental illness
Keywords (croatian)
agregacija proteina
mentalne bolesti
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:466940
Study programme Title: Biotechnology in medicine Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra biotehnologije u medicini (magistar/magistra biotehnologije u medicini)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development
Created on 2023-09-26 20:13:49