Title Porfirini u fotodinamičkoj inaktivaciji legionele u otpadnoj vodi
Title (english) Porphyrins in photodynamic inactivation of Legionella in wastewater
Author Marko Lušić
Mentor Nela Malatesti (mentor)
Mentor Ivana Gobin (komentor)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOTECHNICAL SCIENCES Biotechnology
Abstract Bakterija Legionella pneumophila često se nalazi u okolišu, u prirodnim i umjetno stvorenim vodenim sustavima, a može se pronaći i u komunalnim i otpadnim vodama. Ova bakterija, koja može uzrokovati ozbiljne komplikacije, poput po život opasne pneumonije, predstavlja fakultativni unutarstanični patogen. L. pneumophila ima sposobnost stvaranja biofilma, što joj omogućava otpornost na različita sredstva i metode dezinfekcije. Iz tog razloga potrebne su alternativne metode eliminacije ovog patogena, kao i dezinfekcije voda, njenih čestih staništa. Ovo istraživanje proučavalo je fotofizikalna svojstva i primjenu porfirinskih spojeva, TMPyP3 i Zn(II)-TMPyP3, kao fotosenzibilizatora. Strukturalna razlika Zn(II)-TMPyP3 u usporedbi s TMPyP3 potvrđena je UV-Vis spektrofotometrijom i ukazuje na različite fotofizikalne karakteristike ova dva spoja. Zn(II)-TMPyP3 je odabran kao fotosenzibilizator zbog prethodnih istraživanja provedenih na metaloporfirinskim kompleksima i utvrđenih antimikrobnih svojstava cinkovih kompleksa. Stabilnost ovih spojeva u otpadnoj vodi implicira izazove uzrokovane zamućenošću i prisutnošću tvari, sugerirajući potrebu za dodatnim istraživanjima. Rezultati mjerenja generiranja singletnog kisika pokazuju prednost TMPyP3 nad Zn(II)-TMPyP3, s većom učinkovitošću TMPyP3 pri nižim koncentracijama. TMPyP3 pokazuje poboljšanu fotodinamičku učinkovitost pri dužem izlaganju svjetlosti, što ga čini povoljnim za različite terapije. Ispitivanja antiadhezijskih svojstava potvrđuju veću djelotvornost TMPyP3, posebno u vodi iz slavine, naglašavajući njegov potencijal za prevenciju bakterijske adhezije. Sveukupno, ovo istraživanje potvrđuje veću djelotvornost TMPyP3 nad Zn(II)-TMPyP3 kao fotosenzibilizatora u ispitanim uvjetima, ističući važnost optimizacije uvjeta osvjetljavanja i potrebu za daljnjim istraživanjima u širem spektru valnih duljina radi poboljšanja učinkovitosti fotodinamičke terapije i njene primjene u stvarnim uvjetima, poput upotrebe u pročišćavanju otpadnih voda, odnosno njene dezinfekcije.
Abstract (english) The bacterium Legionella pneumophila is often found in the environment, in natural and man-made water systems, and can also be found in municipal and wastewater. This bacterium, which can cause serious complications such as life-threatening pneumonia, is a facultative intracellular pathogen. L. pneumophila has the ability to form biofilms, which enables it to resist various disinfection agents and methods. Therefore, alternative methods for eliminating this pathogen, as well as for disinfecting water, its frequent habitat, are needed. This study examined the photophysical properties and application of porphyrin compounds, TMPyP3 and Zn(II)-TMPyP3, as photosensitizers. Structural change in Zn(II)-TMPyP3 compared to TMPyP3 was confirmed by UV-Vis spectrophotometry and indicated different photophysical characteristics. Zn(II)-TMPyP3 was chosen as photosensitizer due to previous research conducted on metalloporphyrin complexes, which identified antimicrobial properties of zinc(II) complexes. The stability of these compounds in wastewater implies challenges caused by turbidity and the presence of substances, suggesting the need for further research. Results of singlet oxygen generation studies show the advantage of TMPyP3 over Zn(II)-TMPyP3, with TMPyP3 being more efficient at lower concentrations. TMPyP3 shows improved efficiency with prolonged light exposure, making it favorable for various therapies. Tests on anti-adhesion properties confirm the greater effectiveness of TMPyP3, especially in tap water, highlighting its potential for preventing bacterial adhesion. Overall, this research confirms the higher efficency of TMPyP3 over Zn(II)-TMPyP3 as a photosensitizer in tested conditions, emphasizing the importance of optimizing irradiation conditions and the need for further research across a broader spectrum of wavelengths and other photosensitizers to improve the effectiveness of photodynamic therapy and its application in real-world conditions, such as wastewater purification and disinfection.
Legionella pneumophila
otpadna voda
voda iz slavine
Keywords (english)
Legionella pneumophila
tap water
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:193:492969
Study programme Title: Medicinal chemistry Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra medicinske kemije (magistar/magistra medicinske kemije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Embargoed access Embargo expiration date: 2026-07-10
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Biotechnology and Drug Development
Created on 2024-06-23 12:10:22