Title Tržište prirodnog plina u Republici Hrvatskoj u uvjetima dekarbonizacije
Title (english) Natural gas market in the Republic of Croatia under decarbonization conditions
Author Renata Tomić
Mentor Nela Vlahinić Lenz (mentor)
Committee member Saša Žiković (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nela Vlahinić Lenz (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Mira Dimitrić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2021-04-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Tržište prirodnog plina u Republici Hrvatskoj doživjelo je značajne promjene počevši od implementacije Prvog energetskog paketa do potpune liberalizacije tržišta koje započinje 01.04.2021. U tom razdoblju došlo je do značajne reforme tržišta plina na način da su jasno definirani sudionici tržišta plina te njihova prava i obveze. Osnovana je tvrtka Plinacro d.o.o. za transport plina, a distribucija i opskrba prirodnim plinom postaju energetske djelatnosti.
Posljednjih godina cijene prirodnog plina imale su padajući trend, a krajem 2019. godine dolazi do rasta cijene plina za kućanstvo koje kao i poduzetništvo ima pravo na slobodan izbor opskrbljivača prema tržišnim uvjetima ili ostati kupci u javnoj usluzi. Pokrenut je proces okrupnjivanja distribucijskih sustava u svrhu optimiziranja troškova održavanja plinske infrastrukture kojim se osigurava pouzdana i sigurna opskrba krajnjih kupaca.
Važan događaj za hrvatsko tržište plina dogodio se 01.01.2021. otvaranjem LNG terminala na Krku kojim je Hrvatska dobila novi dobavni pravac i mogućnost diverzifikacije nabave i smanjenja cijene plina. Značajna uloga plina u energetskom miksu Republike Hrvatske dodatno je potvrđena početkom 2020. godine kada je Hrvatska donijela Strategiju energetskog razvoja Republike Hrvatske do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu u kojoj je prirodni plin prepoznat kao energent koji može doprinijeti dekarbonizaciji, ali uz ulaganje u tehnologije za hvatanje i skladištenje ugljičnog dioksida. Upravo je 2020. godina bila prijelomna za prirodni plin jer su ne samo Europska unija, već i sve vodeće svjetske ekonomije potvrdile svoju orijentaciju prema dekarbonizaciji. Iako je prirodni plin fosilno gorivo s najmanjim emisijama stakleničkih plinova, ambiciozna agenda dekarbonizacije do 2050. ne ostavlja puno prostora za fosilna goriva, stoga se u ovom radu razmatra sinergija prirodnog plina i vodika kao i CCS i CCUS tehnologije koje mogu osigurati dekarbonizaciju prirodnog plina. Hrvatska je prepoznata kao jedna od osam država EU koja ima potencijal skladištenja ugljičnog dioksida kroz EOR projekte, a razgranata plinska infrastruktura omogućava transport od mjesta nastanka do mjesta utiskivanja ugljičnog dioksida. Iako se situacija brzo mijenja, tehnologija proizvodnje zelenog vodika još uvijek nije troškovno konkurentna tehnologiji proizvodnje plavog vodika, što je uz pad cijene prirodnog plina zbog globalne pandemije dodatno učvrstilo poziciju prirodnog plina u energetskom miksu. Plavi vodik je moguće miješati s prirodnim plinom u određenim postocima te transportirati plinovodima pri
čemu treba voditi računa o zaštiti plinovoda i elementa na plinovodu kako bi osigurala sigurnost plinskog sustava.
U plinsku infrastrukturu uložena su značajna sredstva kako bi se osigurala diverzifikacija dobavnih pravaca, a ta činjenica se može smatrati pokazateljem da će prirodni plin imati budućnost u Hrvatskoj i nakon 2030. godine. Prirodni plin bi trebao biti komplementarno rješenje obnovljivim izvorima ukoliko se želi postići klimatska neutralnost Republike Hrvatske.
Abstract (english) The natural gas market in the Republic of Croatia has undergone significant changes starting from the implementation of the First Energy Package to the full liberalization of the market, which begins on April 1, 2021. During this period, there was a significant reform of the gas market in such a way that gas market participants were clearly defined their rights and obligations. The company Plinacro d.o.o. was founded for gas transport, and the distribution and supply of natural gas became energy activities.
Natural gas prices have a declining trend in recent years, and at the end of 2019. there was an increase in gas prices for households who also have the right to freely choose suppliers according to market conditions or they can stay as customers in the public service. The process of consolidating distribution systems has been initiated in order to optimize the costs of maintaining the gas infrastructure, which ensures a reliable and secure supply to end customers.
An important event for the Croatian gas market took place in January 1, 2021. by opening an LNG terminal on Krk, which gave Croatia a new supply route and the possibility of diversifying supply and reducing gas prices. The significant role of natural gas in the energy mix of the Republic of Croatia was further confirmed in early 2020. when Croatia adopted the “Energy Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050” in which natural gas is recognized as an energy source that can contribute to decarbonisation through carbon capture and
storage technologies. The year 2020. was a turning point for natural gas because not only the European Union, but also all the world's leading economies have confirmed their orientation towards decarbonisation. Although natural gas is the fossil fuel with the lowest greenhouse gas emissions, the ambitious decarbonisation agenda by 2050. does not leave much room for fossil fuels. Therefore, this paper discusses the synergy of natural gas and hydrogen, as well as CCS and CCUS technologies that can ensure decarbonization of natural gas. Croatia is recognized as one of the eight EU countries that has the potential to store carbon dioxide through EOR projects, and the extensive gas infrastructure enables transport from the place of accommodation to the place of carbon dioxide injection.
Although the situation is changing rapidly, green hydrogen production technology is still not a cost-competitive to blue hydrogen production technology, which, along with decreasing natural gas prices due to global pandemics, has further strengthened the position of natural gas in the energy mix. Blue hydrogen can be mixed with natural gas in certain percentages and transported by gas pipelines, but additional pipe protection measures are required to ensure the safety of the gas system.
Significant funds have been invested in gas infrastructure to ensure the diversification of supply routes, and that fact can be considered as a indicator that natural gas will have a future in Croatia after 2030. Natural gas should be a complementary solution to renewable sources in order to achieve climate neutrality of the Republic of Croatia.
prirodni plin
skladištenje ugljičnog dioksida
Keywords (english)
natural gas
carbon dioxide storage
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:008473
Study programme Title: Energy Economics Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije energetskog sektora (sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica ekonomije energetskog sektora)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business
Created on 2021-06-09 06:24:18