Title Usporedba računovodstva obrtnika i računovodstva poduzetnika
Title (english) A comparison of accounting for craft businesses and accounting for entrepreneurs
Author Josipa Sladić
Mentor Josip Čičak (mentor)
Committee member Josip Čičak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Dario Maradin (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Marija Sikirić Simčić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Ovaj diplomski rad obrađuje razlike između računovodstva obrtnika i poduzetnika u Republici Hrvatskoj. Obrtnici i poduzeća predstavljaju različite oblike poslovanja s jedinstvenim karakteristikama i potrebama u vođenju financijskih evidencija. Obrtničko računovodstvo, prilagođeno obrtnicima kao samostalnim poduzetnicima, obično koristi pojednostavljene knjigovodstvene metode i pravila. Obrtnici bilježe svoje prihode, rashode i dugovanja na jednostavnije strukturiran način nego poduzeća. S druge strane, poduzeća primjenjuju složenije sustave knjigovodstva i često su podložna različitim poreznim regulativama. Različiti pristupi knjigovodstvu i porezima imaju znatan utjecaj na financijske izvještaje i porezne obveze. Rad analizira i uspoređuje te razlike kako bi pružio bolje razumijevanje računovodstvenih praksi i izazova koji se javljaju kod obrtnika i poduzeća u Hrvatskoj. Razumijevanje tih razlika može pomoći donositeljima odluka i računovodstvenim profesionalcima u pravilnom vođenju poslovanja i ispunjavanju zakonskih obveza. Računovodstvo poduzetnika zahtijeva veći angažman računovođa, povećani obim dokumentacije i razlikuje se od računovodstvenih sustava neprofitnih organizacija, proračunskih korisnika i samostalnih djelatnosti. Unutar računovodstvenog sustava poduzeća postoji niz karakteristika i razlika u odnosu na glavne djelatnosti. Kao rezultat toga, računovodstvo uslužnih poduzeća razlikuje se od računovodstva proizvodnih i trgovačkih poduzeća. Obrtnici vode svoje poslovne knjige prema načelu knjige blagajne, što znači da se trgovački događaji bilježe u knjigama primitaka i izdataka u stvarnom trenutku kada se dogode, odnosno kada dođe do priljeva ili odljeva gotovine. Za obrtnike su obvezne poslovne knjige primitaka i izdataka, knjige prometa evidencija o tražbinama i obvezama te popis dugotrajne imovine. Računovodstvo obrtnika regulirano je Zakonom o obrtu i podložno je sustavu poreza na dohodak. S druge strane, poduzeća regulira Zakon o računovodstvu i najčešće sustav poreza na dobit. Suprotno obrtima, poduzeća su obvezna sastavljati godišnje izvještaje na kraju poslovne godine, a ti izvještaji su detaljno opisani u diplomskom radu. U ovom istraživanju analiziraju se poslovne knjige i računovodstvena literatura obrtnika i poduzetnika s ciljem istraživanja njihovih ključnih razlika.
Abstract (english) This master's thesis addresses the differences between the accounting practices of sole proprietors (craftsmen) and companies in the Republic of Croatia. Sole proprietors and companies represent distinct forms of business entities with unique characteristics and requirements for financial record-keeping. Craftsmen's accounting, tailored to individual entrepreneurs, typically relies on simplified accounting methods and rules. Craftsmen record their revenues, expenses, and debts in a less formal manner compared to companies. Conversely, companies employ more complex accounting systems and are often subject to different tax regulations. These divergent approaches to accounting and taxation significantly impact financial statements and tax obligations. This thesis analyzes and compares these differences to provide a better understanding of accounting practices and challenges faced by craftsmen and companies in Croatia. Understanding these distinctions can assist decision-makers and accounting professionals in effectively managing business operations and complying with legal requirements. Accounting for entrepreneurs requires greater involvement from accountants, increased documentation volume, and differs from accounting systems used by nonprofit organizations, budget beneficiaries, traders, and self-employed individuals. Within the corporate accounting framework, several characteristics and differences exist compared to primary activities. Consequently, the accounting of service companies differs from that of manufacturing and trading enterprises. Craftsmen maintain their business records according to the principles of cash bookkeeping, which means that commercial transactions are recorded in income and expense ledgers at the moment they occur, i.e., when there is an inflow or outflow of cash. Craftsmen are obligated to keep income and expense ledgers, transaction ledgers, records of receivables and payables, as well as an inventory of long-term assets. Craftsmen's accounting is regulated by the Crafts Act and is subject to the income tax system. On the other hand, companies adhere to the Accounting Act and are subject to the profit tax system. In contrast to craftsmen, companies are required to compile annual reports at the end of the fiscal year, and these reports are described in detail in the master's thesis. This research involves the analysis of business records and accounting literature using real-life examples from craftsmen and companies with the aim of exploring their key differences.
računovodstvo obrtnika
računovodstvo poduzetnika
Zakon o računovodstvu
Keywords (english)
accounting of tradesmen
accounting of entrepreneurs
Accounting Act
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:533259
Study programme Title: Business economics; specializations in: Finance, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Accounting, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: Finance Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije (sveučilišni/a magistar/magistra ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business
Created on 2023-12-12 17:28:36