Title Strategija sprječavanja pranja novca
Title (english) Strategy for preventing money laundering
Author Tijana Konović
Mentor Stella Suljić Nikolaj (mentor)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Economics and Business Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-09-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Abstract Pranje novca je globalni problem koji ozbiljno ugrožava integritet financijskih sustava i društveno blagostanje, jer omogućuje kriminalnim organizacijama i pojedincima da prikriju nezakonito stečena sredstva i integriraju ih u legalne tokove novca. Proces pranja novca sastoji se od tri glavne faze: polaganje, gdje se nezakonito stečeni novac unosi u financijski sustav; ležanje, gdje se novac često prebacuje kroz složene mreže transakcija kako bi se prikrilo njegovo porijeklo; i integracija, gdje novac postaje dio legitimne ekonomije.
Vlade i financijske institucije diljem svijeta primjenjuju niz mjera za borbu protiv pranja novca. Međunarodne organizacije poput FATF-a (Financial Action Task Force) postavljaju standarde i preporuke kako bi pomogle zemljama u razvijanju nacionalnih politika za sprječavanje pranja novca i financiranja terorizma. Ove mjere uključuju stroge kontrole poput identifikacije i provjere klijenata, nadzor i analizu transakcija, redovitu edukaciju zaposlenika i blisku suradnju s nadležnim tijelima i međunarodnim partnerima.
U Republici Hrvatskoj strategija za borbu protiv pranja novca temelji se na zakonodavnim okvirima, nadzoru financijskih transakcija, snažnoj regulaciji te međunarodnoj suradnji, što doprinosi jačanju otpornosti financijskog sustava. Uspjeh zahtijeva kontinuiranu predanost svih dionika – zakonodavaca, regulatora, financijskih institucija i građana – kako bi se spriječilo zloporabu financijskih sustava.
Svrha istraživanja je pružiti detaljan uvid u problem pranja novca te analizirati globalne i nacionalne strategije za borbu protiv ove prijetnje. Istraživanje se fokusira na objašnjavanje procesa pranja novca kroz njegove faze, procjenjivanje učinkovitosti međunarodnih standarda koje postavljaju organizacije poput FATF-a, te proučavanje mjera koje vlade i financijske institucije implementiraju, uključujući identifikaciju i verifikaciju klijenata, nadzor transakcija i suradnju s nadležnim tijelima. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na zakonodavni okvir Republike Hrvatske, analizirajući ulogu nadzora i međunarodne suradnje u jačanju financijskog sustava.
Abstract (english) Money laundering is a global problem that seriously undermines the integrity of financial systems and social well-being, as it allows criminal organizations and individuals to conceal illegally acquired funds and integrate them into legitimate money flows. The process of money laundering consists of three main stages: placement, where illegally obtained money enters the financial system; layering, where money is often transferred through complex networks of transactions to obscure its origin; and integration, where the money becomes part of the legitimate economy.
Governments and financial institutions worldwide implement a range of measures to combat money laundering. International organizations such as FATF (Financial Action Task Force) set standards and recommendations to help countries develop national policies for preventing money laundering and terrorist financing. These measures include strict controls such as customer identification and verification, transaction monitoring and analysis, regular employee training, and close cooperation with relevant authorities and international partners.
In the Republic of Croatia, the strategy to combat money laundering is based on legislative frameworks, the monitoring of financial transactions, strong regulation, and international cooperation, all of which contribute to strengthening the resilience of the financial system. Success requires the ongoing commitment of all stakeholders—lawmakers, regulators, financial institutions, and citizens—to prevent the abuse of financial systems.
The purpose of this research is to provide a detailed insight into the problem of money laundering and to analyze global and national strategies to combat this threat. The research focuses on explaining the money laundering process through its stages, evaluating the effectiveness of international standards set by organizations such as FATF, and examining the measures that governments and financial institutions implement, including customer identification and verification, transaction monitoring, and cooperation with authorities. Special emphasis is placed on the legislative framework of the Republic of Croatia, analyzing the role of supervision and international cooperation in strengthening the financial system.
financijske institucije
financijski sustav
Keywords (english)
financial institutions
financial system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:192:777744
Study programme Title: Business economics; specializations in: Finances, Entrepreneurship, Management, Finance and Banking, Marketing, International Business, IT Business Course: Finances Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) ekonomije)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Economics and Business
Created on 2024-12-19 17:27:37