Title Primjena intraoralnih skenera u protetskom liječenju : diplomski rad
Title (english) Intraoral scanners appliance in prosthodontics treatment : graduate thesis
Author Jana Jularić
Mentor Renata Gržić (mentor)
Committee member Renata Gržić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Kovač (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Šnjarić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Dental Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine
Abstract Intraoralni skeneri su mobilne jedinice koje se sastoje od računala, zaslona, softvera i kamere u ručnom uređaju. Predstavljaju važan dio CAD/CAM izrade nadomjestaka. Ručni uređaj može biti povezan s jedinicom, no danas postoje bežične verzije. Razvoj je započeo osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Današnji modeli prikupljaju podatke pomoću slikovnih tehnologija kao što su triangulacija, paralelno konfokalno snimanje, aktivno uzorkovanje valne fronte i stereofotogrametrija. Nakon skeniranja, softver vrši rekonstrukciju i konfigurira optički otisak, odnosno virtualni model. Na kvalitetu istoga utječu brojni čimbenici: brzina i putanja skeniranja, prisutnost sline i krvi, blizina kamere tkivu, reflektirajuće površine, neujednačeni pokreti, zakrivljenost površine. U istraživanjima je točnost skenera ispitivana pomoću pojmova istinitosti i preciznosti. Optički otisci jednog zuba pokazuju sličnu točnost ili čak veću preciznost od analognih. Kod izrade tročlanih ili četveročlanih mostova, optički su otisci uglavnom podjednakih ili superiornijih rezultata u odnosu na konvencionalne. Skeniranje se kvadranta zubnog luka pokazalo podjednako preciznim kao i konvencionalni otisak vinil-poliksiloksanom. Kod rehabilitacije jednim implatatom digitalno je otiskivanje brže i jednostavnije, a korekcije otiska jednostavnije. U slučaju protetskog liječenja multiplim implantaima, točnost skenera nije dovoljno istražena, ali određene studije pokazuju niski stupanj devijacije i manju varijabilnost grešaka udaljenosti u odnosu na konvencionalne otiske. Greške udaljenosti i angulacije trenutno su prilično velike za izradu protetskih nadomjestaka na multiplim implantatima u slučaju bezube čeljusti. Nisu u mogućnosti registrirati centričnu relaciju, tako da se kod izgubljenih potpornih zona i bezubih pacijenata međučeljusni odnosi ipak moraju odrediti konvencionalnim metodama. Najveće prednosti su im jednostavnost i brzina, dok im je glavna mana cijena.
Abstract (english) Intraoral scanners are mobile units consisting of a computer, screen software and camera. They represent an important part of CAD/CAM restorations fabrication. A handpiece can be connected to the unit, but today there are wireless versions too. Their development starte din the eighties of the last century. Today's models collect data using imaging technologies such as triangulation, parallel confocal imaging, active wavefront sampling and stereophotogrammetry. After scanning, the software reconstructs and configures the optical impression. The quality of the created virtual model is affected by numerous factors such as scanning speed and path, presence of saliva and blood, proximity of the camera to the tissue, reflective surfaces, uneven movements, surface curvature. In the research, the accuracy of the scanner was examined using the concepts of trueness and precision. Optical impressions of a single tooth show similar accuracy or even greater precision than analog ones. In cases of making three-member or four-member bridges, optical impressions are generally of equal or superior results compared to conventional ones. The arch quadrant scannig proved to be as accurate as a conventional vinyl polysiloxane impression. In rehabilitation with one implant, digital impression is faster and simpler. Impression corrections are simpler, too. In the case of prosthetic treatment with multiple implants, the accuracy of the scanner has not been sufficiently investigated, but certain studies show a low degree of deviation and a lower variability of distance errors compared to conventional impressions. Distance and angulation errors are currently quite large for the fabrication of prosthetic restorations on multiple implants in the case of edentulous jaws. They are not able to register the centric relation, so in the case of lost support zones and edentulous patients the intermaxillary relations must still be determined by conventional methods. Their biggest advantages are simplicity and speed, while their main disadvantage is the price.
intraoralni skener
optički otisak
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:271:272151
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Dental Medicine
Created on 2024-06-04 07:14:40