Author Sara Huskić
Mentor Stjepan Špalj (mentor)
Mentor Gordana Čanadi-Jurešić (mentor)
Committee member Stjepan Špalj (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Čanadi-Jurešić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Glažar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Alen Braut (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka (Faculty of Dental Medicine) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2022, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Orthodontics
Abstract U današnje vrijeme sve veća je osviještenost o malokluzijama i potrebom za nošenjem ortodontskih naprava. Najčešće korištena ortodontska naprava je fiksna naprava koji se sastoji od metalnih elemenata (bravica i žica), a za njihovu adheziju na zub koriste kompozitni materijali. Svi ovi elementi u svom sastavu imaju tvari koje mogu inducirati oksidativni stres te posljedično oštetiti stanične elemente, smanjiti njihovu metaboličku aktivnost, i naposljetku dovesti do apoptoze ili nekroze stanica.
Toksičnost se ispitivala na dva soja stanicama kvasca Saccharomyces cerevisiae - W303 i divlji tip, na dvije vrste podloge (kvaščeva podloga i umjetna slina), a korištene su dvije vrste kompozita (GC Ortho Connect i ConTec Go!), čelične bravice i NiTi lukovi.
Rezultati pokazuju da kvasci otežano rastu u otopinama impregniranim ovim materijalima te da se dešavaju promjene na razini njihove morfologije i fiziologije. U stadijima povećanog oksidativnog stresa, mijenja se veličina stanice i grupiraju se u skupine od dvije ili više stanica.
Vijabilnost ispitana AO/PI i FDA bojenjem se pokazala smanjena u otopinama s materijalima u odnosu na kontrolu, kao i metabolička aktivnost mjerena XTT testom.
Zaključno slobodni radikali ispušteni iz ortodontskih materijala negativno utječu na vitalnost, proliferaciju i vijabilnost oba soja kvasaca. Stoga je potreban povećan oprez u korištenju ovih materijala, razmišljanje o manje štetnim alternativama (keramičke bravice, bisGMA-free kompoziti) ili uključivanje antioksidantnih preparata kod pacijenata u terapiji fiksnim ortodontskim napravama.
Abstract (english) Nowadays, there seems to be a growing awareness of malocclusions and the need to wear orthodontic appliances. Most frequently used appliance is edgewise - a fixed appliance that consists of metal elements (brackets and wires) and composite elements used for the adhesion of brackets on the tooth surface. All of these elements contain potentially harmful substances that could induce oxidative stress and therefore damage the cell, reduce its metabolic activity and even lead to apoptosis and necrosis.
Toxicity was tested on two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast - W303 and wild type (WT), on two types of media (yeast peptone dextrose growth medium and artificial saliva), two types of composite materials were used (GC Ortho Connect and ConTec Go!), steel brackets and NiTi wires.
The results showed that in solutions infused with these materials, there seemed to be inhibition in cell growth and changes in their morphology and function. In times of increased oxidative stress, cell size changed and they tend to group in multiple cell clusters.
AO/PI and Yeast Viability Kit showed reduced viability in solutions infused with orthodontic materials, compared to the test solutions, as well as reduced metabolic activity tested using XTT assay.
In summary, free radicals released from orthodontic materials have a negative effect on vitality, proliferation and viability in both yeast strains. Therefore, there is a need for a caution in using these materials in therapy, considering less harmful alternatives (ceramic brackets, bisGMA-free composites) and adding antioxidants to orthodontic therapy with fixed appliances
bisfenol A
oksidativni stres
ortodontske bravice
Keywords (english)
bisphenol A
orthodontic bracket
oxidative stress
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:271:095410
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Dental Medicine
Created on 2023-01-20 07:50:00