Title Demokršćanstvo u 21. stoljeću
Title (english) Christian Democracy in 21st Century
Author Iva Sušić
Mentor Elvio Baccarini (mentor)
Committee member Predrag Šustar
Committee member Elvio Baccarini
Committee member Aleksandra Golubović
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences (Department of Philosophy) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2015-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Philosophy Political Philosophy
Abstract Cilj rada je kroz sedam poglavlja ukazati na to što je demokršćanstvo, na kojim temeljima počiva te u kojem društvenim sferama nalazimo demokršćanstvo. Započet ću s odnosima i obvezama kršćana prema vlasti koje je definirao sveti Pavao.
Poticao je kršćane da se podvrgavaju uspostavljenoj vlasti zbog savjesti. To je poredak što ga je ustanovio Bog. Politička vlast mora jamčiti spokojan i miran život proveden u pobožnosti i dostojanstvu. Čovjek je po naravi društveno i političko biće, a politička zajednica proizlazi iz naravi osoba koja je urođena ljudima. Zatim razmatram načela socijalnog nauka Crkve na kojim demokršćanstvo počiva. To su dostojanstvo ljudske osobe, načelo općeg dobra, načelo supsidijarnosti posljedica čega je sudjelovanje građana i načelo solidarnosti. Usko povezano s načelima, dolaze i temeljne vrijednosti društvenog života: istina, sloboda, pravednost i ljubav. Industrijska revolucija Crkvi je uputila veliki izazov. Radničko pitanje našlo se u središtu brige Crkve. U svibnju 1891. godine, nastaje enciklika Rerum novarum Lava XIII. Kroz encikliku analiziram odnos rada i kapitala, prava na rad i prava radnika. U kratkom pregledu francuskog filozofa, Jacquesa Maritana, definiram njegovo razlikovanje pojma političkog djelovanja što ga obavljaju kršćani od pojma kršćanski nadahnutog političkog djelovanja.
Sredinom 19. stoljeća javljaju se demokršćanske i narodne stranke. Tijekom 19. i 20. stoljeća u većini europskih zemalja prevladavali su zastupnici demokršćanske ideje. Analiziram razvoj demokršćanstva u Italiji. Navodim temeljna načela u programima europskih demokršćanskih i narodnih stranaka, ponajprije u francuskoj i njemačkoj stranci. Slijedom povijesti demokršćanstva, analizom u europskim zemljama, na kraju rada izdvajam hrvatske političke demokršćanske stranke. Ovim radom htjela sam dati pregled povijesti i razvoja demokršćanstva u Europi te potaknuti na razmišljanje postoji li danas demokršćanstvo u takvom obliku i ako da, je li održivo.
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper is, through seven chapters, to show what Christian democracy is, on what ground it is based, and in which spheres of society it can be found. I will start with Christian’s conditions and obligations to the authority as defined by Pope. Pope encouraged Christians to be loyal to the established authority because of their own consciousness. Political authority has to guarantee the serene and peaceful life of devotion and dignity. Every man is, by nature, a social and a political being, and hence a political community comes from person`s inborn attitude. Next, I consider the principles of Catholic Social Teaching that include human dignity, the principle of common good, and the subsidiary principle that includes solidarity principle and citizen participation. Closely associated with these principles are the fundamental values of social life: freedom, justice and love. The industrial revolution was a big challenge to the Church. The labor issue was the main concern that the Church had to deal with. In May 1891 Pope Leo XII issued encyclical Rerum novarum. Through this papal encyclical I analyze the relationship between the labor and the capital, the right to work and the workers` rights. In the short overview of the work by French philosopher Jacques Martin, I define his distinction of the term of Christian political acting from the term inspired by the Christian political acting. In the mid 19th century new Democratic and People`s Parties occurred. During the 19th and 20th centuries, representatives of the idea of Christian Democracy dominated in most of the European countries. I also analyze the breakthrough of Christian Democracy in Italy. I propose the fundamental principles in the programs of European Democratic and People's Parties, especially in the programs of French and German parties. Following the history of Christian Democracy with the analysis of the European countries, in the end of my paperI mention Croatian Democratic political parties.
With this thesis, I want to give a brief overview of Christian democracy history and its development in Europe as well as to inspire a thought on the question of whether Christian democracy exists today and in what form, and if it does, whether it is sustainable.
Jacques Maritan
opće dobro
političke stranke
Rerum novarum
socijalni nauk Crkve
Keywords (english)
Christian democracy
Jacques Maritan
common good
political parties
Rerum novarum
Catholic Social Teaching
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:186:603861
Study programme Title: Philosophy (double major) ; specializations in: General Track , Teaching Track Course: Teaching Track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije (magistar/magistra edukacije filozofije)
Study programme Title: Croatian Language and Literature (double major) ; specializations in: Teaching Track , General Track Course: Teaching Track Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti (magistar/magistra hrvatskog jezika i književnosti)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
Created on 2016-03-01 08:18:24