Title Sepsa u porodništvu
Title (english) Sepsis in obstetrics
Author Ana Valković
Mentor Vlatka Sotošek Tokmadžić (mentor)
Committee member Željko Župan (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleks Finderle (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Alen Protić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Anaesthesiology,reanimatology and Intensive Care) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2018-07-13, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Anesthesiology and Reanimatology
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Gynecology and Obstetrics
Abstract Definicija sepse stalno je podložna promjenama i zbog toga klinički kriteriji za dijagnostiku iste nisu dovoljno precizirani. Veoma ju je bitno prepoznati u ranom stadiju jer je to životno ugrožavajuće stanje koje dovodi do oštećenja organa i mogućeg razvoja septičkog šoka te smrti. Računajući na fiziološke promjene u trudnoći i puerperiju, kriteriji dijagnostike sepse u porodništvu su skloni promjenama i zato je važno da ih se pravovremeno prepozna kako bi se moglo odmah reagirati. Kod većine pacijentica nailazi se na sljedeće simptome: zimicu, tresavicu, znojenje, povraćanje, opću slabost, sinkopu, glavobolju i dispneju. Već kod pacijentica s takvom simptomatologijom treba posumnjati na sepsu te tražiti izvor infekcije. Uz to, treba pažljivo opservirati trudnice s faktorima rizika kao što su: pretilost, poremećaji imuniteta, diabetes mellitus tip 2, pojačani vaginalni iscjedak itd. Pacijentice sa predispozicijom za razvoj infekcije treba pratiti i objasniti im važnost redovitih kontrola i pravilne higijene. Na ishod sepse može se utjecati brzom primjenom terapijskih postupaka kao što su adekvatna hidracija, primjena antibiotske terapije i eliminacija mjesta infekcije. Smatra se da svaki sat odgađanja terapije smanjuje vjerojatnost preživljavanja. Uz vrijeme, jedan od bitnih faktora je i timski rad koji uključuje anesteziologe, obstetričare , specijaliste intenzivne medicine, a po potrebi i druge specijaliste kao što je na primjer kirurg. Objedinjeni pristup pacijenticama na taj će način bitno doprinijeti smanjenju incidencije sepse i u konačnici značajnom padu mortaliteta.
Abstract (english) The definition of sepsis is a subject of continuous change and for that reason the clinical criteria for diagnosis is not precise enough. It is very important to recognize it at an early stage because it is a life-threatening condition that leads to organ damage and possible expansion to septic shock and death. Reckoning on physiological changes in pregnancy and puerperia, the criteria for diagnosis of sepsis in obstetrics are prone to changes and as such they should be identified and reacted to, promptly. In the most patients, following symptoms can be found: shaking chills, sweating, vomiting, general weakness, syncope, headache, dyspnea. Already in patients with such symptomatology sepsis should be suspected and physician should seek for source of infection. Furthermore, it is necessary to carefully observe pregnant women with risk factors such as: obesity, immune disorders, type 2 diabetes mellitus, increased vaginal discharge, etc. Patients with a predisposition to develop infection should be monitored and the importance of regular controls and proper hygiene should be carefully explained to them. Outcome of the sepsis can be influenced with prompt application of therapeutic procedures such as adequate hydration, antibiotic therapy, elimination of site of infection. It is considered that every hour of delayed therapy reduces the likelihood of survival. Beside the time, one of the key factors is team work that involves anesthesiologists, obstetricians, intensive medicine care specialists and, if necessary, other specialists such as a surgeon. The holistic approach to patients will significantly contribute in reducing the incidence and mortality in sepsis.
antibiotska terapija
faktori rizika
Keywords (english)
antibiotic therapy
risk factors
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:567696
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2018-11-16 14:17:27