Author Jelena Gudelj
Mentor Miranda Muhvić-Urek (mentor)
Committee member Miranda Muhvić-Urek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Irena Glažar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Ivančić Jokić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-09-24, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Oral Medicine
Abstract Upalne bolesti crijeva, Crohnova bolest i ulcerozni kolitis, označavaju imunosna stanja koja su rezultat interakcije intestinalne sluznice i crijevnih bakterija u genetski predodređenih pojedinaca. Glavna karakteristika obje bolesti je kronični recidivirajući tijek, a ono što ih razlikuje je mjesto nastanka i opseg uključenosti tkiva. Dok ulcerozni kolitis zahvaća rektum i kolon, Crohnova bolest javlja se na bilo kojem dijelu probavnog trakta u obliku diskontinuiranih upalnih promjena. Obje su bolesti karakterizirane kroničnom upalom gatrointestinalne sluznice i praćene brojnim ekstraintestinalnim manifestacijama. Oralne manifestacije upanih bolesti crijeva možemo podijeliti na specifične koje uključuju pojavu nekazeoznih granuloma i javljaju se samo kod Crohnove bolesti, dok su kod ulceroznog kolitisa opisane samo nespecifične lezije. Specifične lezije su: krpičaste tvorbe sluznice, kaldrmasti reljef sluznice, hiperplastični gingivitis, orofacijalni edemi i linearne ulceracije. Najčešće se javljaju na bukalnoj sluznici, vestibulumu, retromolarnom području, usnama i gingivi. Najupečatljivije nespecifične lezije su rekurentne aftozne ulceracije i piostomatitis vegetans, a mogu se pojaviti još i angularni heilitis, glositis i karijes. Kod pacijenata se javljaju još i lezije nastale kao posljedica malnutricije, te kao neželjeni učinci terapije primarne bolesti. Orofacijalna granulomatoza je kliničko stanje koje opisuje pacijente s istim oralnim manifestacijama kao kod Crohnove bolesti, no bez intestinalne bolesti. Cilj liječenja oralnih lezija kod pacijenata s upalnim bolestima crijeva je smanjivanje boli, ubrzavanje cijeljenja lezija, te prevencija nastanka sekundarnih infekcija. Terapija je usmjerena liječenju osnovne bolesti. Bolesnici s upalnom bolesti crijeva su između ostalog na imunosupresivnoj i kortikosteroidnoj terapiji, stoga je potreban oprez kod dentalno medicinskog liječenja
Abstract (english) Inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, indicate the immune conditions resulting from the interaction of intestinal mucosa and intestinal bacteria in genetically predetermined individuals. The main characteristic of both diseases is a chronic recurrent course, and what differentiates them is the place of occurrence and extent of involvement of the tissue. While ulcerative colitis affects the rectum and colon, Crohn's disease occurs in any part of the digestive tract in the form of discontinuous inflammatory changes. Both diseases are characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal mucosa and accompanied by numerous extraintestinal manifestations. Oral manifestations of inflammatory bowel diseases can be divided into specific, which include the occurrence of non-caseous granulomas occurring only in Crohn's disease, while only non-specific lesions are described in ulcerative colitis. Specific lesions are: mucosal tags, cobblestoning, mucogingivitis, orofacial edema and deep linear ulcerations. They occur mostly on the buccal mucosa, vestibule, retromolar area, lips and gingiva. The most notable non-specific lesions are aphtous stomatitis and pyostomatitis vegetans. Angular cheilitis, glossitis and caries may also appear. Patients can experience lesions due to malnutrition, and as a side effect of medication. Orofacial granulomatosis is a clinical condition that describes patients with the same oral manifestations as with Crohn's disease, but without any intestinal disease. The aim of the treatment of oral lesions in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases is to reduce pain, accelerate the healing of lesions, and prevent secondary infections. Therapy is directed to the treatment of the underlying disease. Patients with inflammatory bowel disease are, among other, on immunosuppressive and corticosteroid therapy, therefore caution is needed in dental treatment
Crohnova bolest
Ekstraintestinalne manifestacije
Neželjeni učinci lijekova
Oralne manifestacije
Ulcerozni kolitis
Upalne bolesti crijeva
Keywords (english)
Crohn's disease
Extraintestinal manifestations
Inflammatory bowel disease
Medication-related side effects
Oral manifestations
Ulcerative colitis
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:339415
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2019-10-07 09:35:11