Author Dragana Marušić
Mentor Ana Milardović (mentor)
Committee member Srđan Banac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Srećko Severinski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sandra Peternel (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Pediatrics) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2019-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract Respiratorni distres sindrom, od ranije poznat pod nazivom hijalinomembranska plućna bolest/ plućna hiposurfaktoza, klinički je sindrom obilježen međudjelovanjem strukturne nezrelosti pluća i nedostatka plućnog surfaktanta najčešće kao posljedice nedonošenosti. Klinički se manifestira već u prvim minutama života pojavom tahipneje, korištenjem pomoćne respiratorne muskulature, širenjem nosnih krila, kimanjem glavice, inspiratornim retrakcijama međurebrenih prostora, sternuma i ksifoida, juguluma i supraklavikularnih jama uz istovremeno izbočenje meke trbušne stijenke, a progresijom dolazi do cijanoze. Potvrđuje se laboratorijskim nalazima te specifičnim promjenama na radiogramu grudnih organa. Prevencija podrazumijeva prepoznavanje znakova prijetećeg prijevremenog poroda unutar 24 sata do 7 dana i antenatalne primjene kortikosteroida (betametazona) između 23. i 34. tjedna gestacije kako bi se potaknula maturacija pneumocita tipa II i sinteza surfaktanta. Ukoliko ipak dođe do prijevremenog poroda, a ne stigne se antenatalno primijeniti kortikosteroidnu terapiju, u prijevremeno rođene djece s rizikom za razvoj ili razvijenim RDS-om bez zatajenja respiracije, primjena nCPAP-a kao neinvazivne metode ventilacije ima inicijalnu prednost u odnosu na endotrahealnu intubaciju, egzogenu primjenu surfaktanta i mehaničku ventilaciju. S pogoršanjem stanja, potrebom za većom udisajnom frakcijom kisika i razvojem respiratorne acidoze ili teške apneje javlja se potreba za primjenom mehaničke ventilacije i egzogenog surfaktanta. Osim RDS-a, uz pojavu navedenih simptoma treba isključiti i druge potencijalne uzroke respiratornog distresa kao što su TTN, bakterijska pneumonija, pneumotoraks, PPHN, sindrom aspiracije mekonija te kongenitalne srčane greške.
Abstract (english) Respiratory distress syndrome, formerly known by the name of hyaline membrane disease is a syndrome characterised by the interaction of structural immaturity of the lungs and the lack of surfactant, which is most commonly the consequence of prematurity. Clinical manifestations occur within the very first minutes after labour and include tachypnea, activation of accessory respiratory muscles, widening of nose wings, head nodding, inspiratory retractions of intercostal spaces, sternum and xiphoid, with simultaneous protrusion of the abdominal wall and further progression leading to cyanosis. The diagnosis is confirmed by laboratory blood tests and specific radiographic changes on the chest x-ray. Prevention refers to prompt recognition of the signs indicative of potential premature labour within a timeframe between 1 and 7 days, and antenatal application of corticosteroids between 23rd and 34th week of gestation with the purpose of pneumocytes type 2 maturation induction and surfactant production. However, if preamature labour does indeed occur and antenatal corticosteroids have not been timely applied in premature newborns with the risk of developing RDS, or already developed RDS without respiratory failure, the application of nCPAP as a non-invasive method of ventilation has initial advantage in comparison to endotracheal intubation, exogenous application of surfactant and mechanical ventilation. With worsening of the condition, the needs of greater inspiratory oxygen fraction and the onset of respiratory acidosis or severe apnoea, an indication for mechanical ventilation and exogenous surfactant application arises. Aside from the RDS, some other potential causes of respiratory distress should be excluded such as TTN, bacterial pneumonia, pneumothorax, PPHN, meconium aspiration syndrome and congenital heart defects, since their symptoms might resemble to those of the RDS.
respiratorni distres sindrom
pneumociti tipa II
prijevremeni porod
antenatalna primjena kortikosteroida
mehanička ventilacija
Keywords (english)
respiratory distress syndrome
pneumocytes type 2
premature labour
antenatal corticosteroid therapy
mechanical ventilation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:871250
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2019-12-03 17:30:44