Title Rekurentni aftozni stomatitis
Title (english) Recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Author Petra Prašnjak
Mentor Miranda Muhvić-Urek (mentor)
Committee member Miranda Muhvić-Urek
Committee member Sonja Pezelj-Ribarić
Committee member Nataša Ivančić Jokić
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2013-01-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Oral Medicine
Abstract Rekurentni aftozni stomatitis je najčešća upalno-ulcerativna bolest oralne sluznice karakterizirana bolnim ulceracijama okrugla ili ovalna oblika s uzdignutim upalnim eritematoznim okružjem i središtem prekrivenim bijeložućkastom pseudomembranom.
Svrha ovog rada je prikazati aktualna saznanja o etiologiji, patogenezi, dijagnostici i liječenju rekurentnog aftoznog stomatitisa. Etiologija rekurentnog aftoznog stomatitisa nije u potpunosti razjašnjena, iako je poznato mnogo predispozicijskih etioloških čimbenika kao što su sustavne bolesti, genetski, alergološki, imunološki, endokrinološki i mikrobni čimbenici, lijekovi, prestanak pušenja, stres te lokalne traume. Poznato je da se radi o oštećenju oralne sluznice zbog abnormalnog staničnog imunološkog odgovora na još nepoznati antigen. Posljedično tome, ne postoji ni jedinstvena ciljana terapija za liječenje bolesti, već više terapijskih mogućnosti. Dijagnoza se temelji na iscrpnoj medicinskoj anamnezi, kliničkom pregledu i poznavanju ostalih kliničkih stanja koje diferencijalno dijagnostički dolaze u obzir. Ovisno o pratećoj simptomatologiji ponekad je potrebno provesti dodatne hematološke ili gastrointestinalne pretrage. Princip terapije aftoznih ulceracija je simptomatski, odnosno usmjeren na ublažavanje boli i nelagode primjenom površinskih anestetika. Upalni odgovor tkiva smanjuje se protuupalnim lijekovima pri čemu su kortikosteroidi lijekovi izbora, dok se cijeljenje ulceracije pospješuje primjenom topikalnih epitelizansa. Optimalna jedinstvena terapija još uvijek ne postoji.
Abstract (english) Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is the most common inflamatory ulcerative disease of the oral mucosa. It is characterized by painnful ovoid or round ulcers with raised inflammatory and erythematous halo and covered with white pseudomembrane in the center.
The purpose of this study was to resume recent findings about etiology, pathogenesis and the treatment of recurrent aphthous stomatitis. The etiology of recurrent aphthous stomatitis is still not entirely clarified despite of large number of precipitating factors associated with disease such as: systemic diseases, genetic, endocrine, microbial, allergic and immune factors, medications, smoking cessation, stress, and local trauma. It is known that the abnormal cellular immune response causes the damage of oral mucosa. Consequently, there’s no single therapy to treat the disease, but more therapeutic options. Diagnosis is based on exhaustive medical history, clinical examination and understanding of other clinical conditions that may be considered as differential diagnosis of RAS. Sometimes, the additional hematologic or gastrointestinal examinations are necessary, depending on patient's symptomatology. The principle of treatment is symptomatic, meaning it is focused at reducing pain and discomfort by applying topical anesthetics. The local immune response is being suppressed by anti-inflammatory drugs, most effectively with topical corticosteroids, and the healing process is succeeded by applying topical epitelizante. Unique, optimal therapy of RAS is still unknown.
Rekurentni aftozni stomatitis
Rekurentne oralne ulceracije
Keywords (english)
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis
Recurrent oral ulcerations
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:861874
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2016-04-25 08:25:45