Author Lucija Ribić
Mentor Nataša Ivančić Jokić (mentor)
Committee member Nataša Ivančić Jokić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Danko Bakarčić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Barbara Mady Maričić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Paediatric Dentistry) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-07-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Children's and Preventive Dental Medicine
Abstract Interceptivna i preventivna ortodoncija su najraniji oblici ortodontske terapije koji provode terapiju već u mliječnoj ili ranoj mješovitoj denticiji. Preventivna ortodoncija se bavi educiranjem roditelja i djeteta o štetnim navikama i spriječava njihov nastanak, dok interceptivna uklanja oralne navike i zaustavlja daljnju progresiju ortodontskih anomalija i razvijanje u potpunosti. Oralne navike su sisanje palca, hranjenje na bočicu, korištenje duda, infantilni tip gutanja i disanje na usta.
Dojenje je oralna navika koja je poželjna da što duže traje. Sisanje palca je jako dobro razvijen mehanizam koja se javlja još intrauterino, a prenosi se i na period mliječne i trajne denticije. Sisanje palca duže od četiri godine i više od šest sati dnevno uzrokuje protruziju gornjih sjekutića, retruziju donjih sjekutića, prednji otvoreni zagriz, povećani pregriz, pretjerano izrastanje stražnjih zuba, sprječavanje erupcije prednjih zuba, križni zagriz i V oblik gornjeg zubnog luka.
Sličan klinički nalaz imaju djeca koja su dugo hranjenja na bočicu ili su koristila dude. Dude se dijele na fiziološke i nefiziološke. Nefiziološke dude u većem broju slučajeva uzrokuju protruziju gornjih sjekutića i protruziju ili retruziju donjih sjekutića, prednji otvoreni i stražnji križni zagriz. Fiziološke dude potiču disanje na nos.
Disanje na usta ili oralna respiracija može biti anatomske, opstrukcijske i stečene prirode.. Otvorena usta, položaj jezika, čeljust i glave uzrokuje promjene u položaju zuba i čeljusti. Karakterističan nalaz je suženje gornjeg zubnog luka, prednji otvoreni zagriz, visoko gotsko nepce, protrudirani gornji sjekutići i klasa II po Angle-u.
Dojenje je navika koja je poželjna da traje duže od prvih šest mjeseci života. Sisanje se sastoji od statičke i dinamičke faze. Statička faza sisanja omogućava transverzalni rast čeljusti dok dinamička faza sagitalni rast čeljusti. Infantilni tip gutanja prisutan je tijekom sisanja i u većini slučajeva u dobi od 6 godina prelazi na zreli ili somatski tip gutanja
Abstract (english) Interceptive and preventive orthodontics are the earliest forms of orthodontic therapy to be performed already in the primary or early mixed dentition. Preventive orthodontics deals with educating parents and children about harmful oral habits and preventing them from occurring, while preventive orthodontics eliminates oral habits and stops further progression of orthodontic anomalies and their complete development. Oral habits are thumb-sucking, bottle-feeding, use of pacifiers, infantile swallowing type and mouth breathing. Breastfeeding is an oral habit that is desirable to last as long as possible. Thumb sucking is a very well developed mechanism that can occur even intrauterine, and is also transmitted to the period of deciduous and permanent dentition. Sucking the thumb for more than four years and more than six hours a day causes protrusion of the upper incisors, retrusion of the lower incisors, anterior open bite, enlarged overbite, overgrowth of the posterior teeth, prevention of eruption of the anterior teeth, cross bite, and V-shaped upper arch. Similar clinical findings have been reported in some children who have been fed to a bottle for a long time or who have used pacifiers. Pacifiers are divided into physiological and non-physiological. Non-physiological pacifiers in most cases cause protrusion of the upper incisors and protrusion or retrusion of the lower incisors, anterior open bite and posterior cross bite. Anatomical pacifiers stimulate breathing on the nose. Breathing through the mouth or oral respiration can be anatomical, obstructive, and acquired in nature. Open mouth, tongue position, jaw and head cause changes in tooth and jaw position. Breastfeeding is a habit that is desirable to last longer than the first six months of life. Breastfeeding consists of a static and dynamic phase. Static breastfeeding phase enables transverse jaw growth while dynamic phase sagittal jaw growth. Infantile type of swallowing is present during breastfeeding and in most cases at the age of 6 it switches to mature or somatic type of swallowing.
sisanje palca
infantilni tip gutanja
dude i hranjenje na bočicu
disanje na usta
Keywords (english)
thumb sucking
infantile type of swallowing
bottle feeding
mouth breathing
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:289004
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2020-11-04 09:48:34