Title Autistična djeca u ordinaciji dentalne medicine
Title (english) Autistic children in practice of dental medicine
Author Ana-Marija Pavletić
Mentor Danko Bakarčić (mentor)
Committee member Danko Bakarčić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Ivančić Jokić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Renata Gržić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Paediatric Dentistry) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2014-11-18, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Dental Medicine Children's and Preventive Dental Medicine
Abstract Autizam je složeni razvojni poremećaj koji zahvaća sve psihičke funkcije: kognitivnu,
emocionalnu, socijalnu i motornu. Danas se smatra kako je uzrok autizma multifaktorijalan. Za
čvrste dokaze u dijagnosticiranju autizma sugeriraju se organska oštećenja razvoja neurona te
abnormalna struktura i funkcija mozga. Incidencija se u svijetu s godinama povećava. Autizam se
najčešće javlja u prve tri godine života. Može postojati razdoblje normalnog razvoja ili bez njega i
tada se govori o sekundarnom i primarnom autizmu. Često je autistični poremećaj udružen sa
genetskim anomalijama poput Fragilnog X sindroma, fenilketonurije, tuberozne skleroze i
neurofibromatoze tipa 1. Iako je Kanner tvrdio da su djeca oboljela od autizma normalnih
intelektualnih sposobnosti te da loše funkcioniraju zbog autističnog odbijanja i negativizma,
rezultati brojnih studija pokazuju da je više od 2/3 autistične djece i mentalno retardirano.
Drugi pervazivni razvojni poremećaji su Aspergerov sindrom, Rettov sindrom i dezintegrativna
psihoza. Rano primjenjen, intenzivan i adekvatan tretman uvelike će utecati na razvoj autistične
djece te im pomoći savladati sve poteškoće s kojima se svakodnevno susreću. Metode koje se
danas koriste u terapiji su: metoda modifikacije ponašanja, TEACCH metoda dijagnostike,
procjene i tretmana te farmakoterapija. Približno 50-72% autistične djece tijekom
stomatološkog zahvata je nekooperabilno. Često iskazuju hiperaktivnost, napetost, kratak
interval pažnje, uznemirenost i samoozljeđivanje. Repetitivno ponašanje, nepredvidljive,
nekontrolirane i impulzivne kretnje tijela također mogu komplicirati sam zahvat, ali i ugroziti
sigurnost kako pacijenta tako i zdravstvenog osoblja. Put do oralnog zdravlja za autistično dijete
je dug i mukotrpan, ali nije neostvariv i nemoguć. Od roditelja i doktora dentalne medicine
zahtijeva veliko strpljenje i upornost.
Abstract (english) Autism is complicated development disorder which overtakes all psychical
functions: cognitive, emotional, social and motorical. It is considered today that the
cause of autism is multifactorial. Organic damages of neurone development and the
abnormal brain structure and function are suggested as hard evidence. Prevelence in
world grows with time. Autism appears most frequently in the first three years of life.
We distinguish primary and secondary autism. Difference is in the existance of a period
of normal develop in secondary autism. Autistic disorder is often associated with genetic
anomalies like Fragile X syndrome, phenylketonuria, tuberous sclerosis and
neurofibromatosis type 1. Despite Kanner's claim that the intelectual abilities of autistic
children are normal and that they function badly because of autistic rejection and
negativism, results of numerous studies show that over 2/3 of autistic children are
mentally retarded. Other pervasive development disorders are Asperger syndrome, Rett
syndrome and disintegrative psychosis. Early applied, intense and adequate treatment
will have great impact on develop of autistic children and will help them in overcoming
all daily disadvantages. Methods that are used today in therapy are: Method of behavior
modification, TEACCH method and farmacotherapy. Nearly 50-72% of autistic cihldren
are noncooperative during the dental procedures. They exhibit hyperactivity, intensity,
short interval of attention, agitation and autodestruction. Repetitive behavior,
unpredictible, uncontrolled and impulsive body movements can also make procedure
complicated and put patients and health stuff under the risk. The way to oral health for
autistic child is long and hard, but not impossible or unachieveable. Parents and Doctors
of dental medicine have to be patient and persistent.
genetske anomalije
pervazivni razvojni poremećaji
metoda modifikacije ponašanja
TEACCH metoda
Keywords (english)
genetic anomalies
pervasive development disorders
method of behavior modification
TEACCH method.
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:863936
Study programme Title: Dental Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine (doktor/doktorica dentalne medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2016-04-27 11:29:57