Title Razmnožavanje iglI,iglG,pdpC mutanti Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica unutar Acanthamoeba castellanii
Title (english) Replication of iglI,iglG,pdpC mutants of Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica within Acanthamoeba castellanii
Author Vedrana Nefat
Mentor Marina Šantić (mentor)
Committee member Darija Vukić Lušić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Mateja Ožanič (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Šantić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Microbiology and Parasitology) Rijeka
Defense date and country 2020-07-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Medical Microbiology
Abstract Edward Francis najznačajniji je znanstvenik u području istraživanja tularemije. Francisella tularensis pripada porodici Francisellaceae, te je gram negativna, nepokretna, aerobna i asporogena bakterija. F. tularensis je jedna od najinfektivnijih bakterija, te udisajem samo 10-15 bakterija dovoljno je da se izazove smrtonosna bolest tularemija. F. tularensis smatra se potencijalnim biološkim oružjem, te se sva istraživanja moraju provoditi u BSL-3 laboratorijima, stupanj biološke zaštite 3 (engl. Biosafety Level 3 ). Poznate su tri podvrste F. tularensis koje uzrokuju bolest u ljudi: tularensis (tip A), holartica (tip B) i mediasiatica. F. novicida, F. philomoragia i F. hispaniensis mogu uzrokovati tularemiju kod imunokompromitiranih ljudi. F. noatunensis prepoznat je kako patogen riba, dok nedavno otkrivene vrste prilagođene okolišu uključuju F. piscidida, F. guangzhouensis, F. opportunistica, F. salina, F. uliginis, F. 37 frigiditurris i F. adeliensis. Sve podvrste F. tularensis razlikuju se po virulenciji, zemljopisnom porijeklu, i sposobnosti da izazovu bolest u ljudi ili u životinja. Prijenos i infekcija u ljudi i drugih sisavaca može se dogoditi prilikom kontakta sa zaraženim životinjama i životinjskim proizvodima, putem kontaminirane hrane i vode, ugrizom insekta poput krpelja i komaraca i aerosolom. Simptomi tularemije i ozbiljnost infekcije ovise o virulenciji uzročnika, načinu ulaska bakterije u organizam, te imunološkom stanju čovjeka. F. tularensis subsp. holarctica LVS (engl. Live Vaccine Strain) je živo atenuirano cjepivo proizvedeno iz soja holartica u zemljama bivšeg Sovjetskog Saveza. Uporaba cjepiva u SAD-u i njegovo licenciranje još nije omogućeno zbog nedostatka znanja o mehanizmima koji mogu oslabiti bakteriju. Geni koji se nalaze unutar FPO (engl. Francisella pathogenicity island, FPI) pokazali su važnu ulogu u unutarstaničnom preživljavanju i razmnožavanju Franciselle u stanicama sisavaca. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je utvrditi ulogu gena iglI, iglG i pdpC F. tularensis subsp. holarctica u unutarstaničnom razmnožavanju A. castellanii kako bi razjasnili životni ciklus bakterije u okolišnim uvjetima. U praktičnom radu korišten je bakterijski soj F. tularensis LVS, njezine mutante iglI, iglG i pdpC i ameba A. castellanii. Rast bakterija u amebama pratio se kroz 3 dana. Rezultati su pokazali da geni iglI, iglG i pdpC nemaju ulogu u unutarstaničnom razmnožavanju F. tularensis subsp. holarctica soj LVS u amebi A. castellanii s obzirom da je broj bakterija u stanicama amebe isti kao i kod divljeg soja. Možemo zaključiti da bakterija ne ispoljava iste čimbenike virulencije u stanicama ameba i stanicama sisavaca.
Abstract (english) Edward Francis is the most significant scientist in the field of tularemia research. F. tularensis is a gram negative, aerobic, ascporogenous, immobile bacteria that belongs to family Francisellaceae. F. tularensis is one of the most infectious bacteria that can cause deadly disease tularemia by inhalation of only 10-15 bacteria. It is considered that F. tularensis can be used as a biological weapon, which is why all research that includes F. tularensis must be conducted in BSL-3 laboratories. There are three subspecies of F. tularensis that can cause disease in humans: tularensis (type A), holartica (type B) and mediasiatica. F. novicida, F. philomoragia and F. hispaniensis can cause tularemia in immunocompromised people. On the other hand, F. noatunensis is known as a fish pathogen while recently discovered species adapted to the environment include F. piscidida, F. guangzhouensis, F. opportunistica, F. salina, F. uliginis, F. 37 frigiditurris and F. adeliensis. All subspecies F. tularensis are different in virulence, geographical origin, and ability of causing diseases in humans or in animals. Transmission and infection in humans and other mammals can occur by contact with infected animals and animal products, through contaminated food and water, by insect bites such as ticks and mosquitoes and by aerosol. Symptoms of tularemia and severity of infections depend on the virulence of the pathogen, the way the bacteria enters the body, and the immune system. F. tularensis subsp. holarctica LVS (Live Vaccine Strain) is live attenuated vaccine produced from holartic strains in the countries of the former Soviet Union. The use of the vaccine in the United States and its licensing has not been yet accomplished due to a lack of knowledge about mechanisms that can weaken the bacteria. Genes found within FPI (Francisella pathogenicity island) have shown an important role in intracellular survival and reproduction of Franciselle in mammalian cells. Therefore, the aim of this study was determining the role of the iglI, iglG and genes pdpC F. tularensis subsp. holarctica in intracellular reproduction of A. castellanii to explain the life cycle of the bacterium under enviromental conditions. In practical work were used bacterial strain F. tularensis LVS, mutants iglI, iglG, pdpC and amoeba A. castellanii. Bacterial growth in amoebae were followed during 3 days. Since the number of bacteria in amoeba cells are the same as in the wild strain, it is concluded that the iglI, iglG and pdpC genes have no role in intracellular reproduction of F. tularensis subsp. holarctica strain LVS in amoeba A. castellanii. We can conclude that the bacterium does not exhibit the same virulence factors in amoeba cells and mammalian cells.
Francisella tularensis
A. castellanii
Keywords (english)
Francisella tularensis
A. castellanii
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:871022
Study programme Title: Study of Sanitary Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sanitarnog inženjerstva (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) sanitarnog inženjerstva)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2021-01-11 09:04:09