Author Ika Rončević-Gržeta
Author's institution (Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka)
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract (croatian) Ovaj rad refleksija je na tekst pod naslovom „Psychosis Neurosis“. Ovaj tekst je svom terapeutu,
u vidu e-pošte napisao, za mene anoniman pacijent. Čitajući spomenuti tekst asocijacije su
me vodile u smjeru patologije selfa, odnosno zastoja u razvoju zbog nezadovoljenih self-objekt
potreba. Budući da, osim pacijentova teksta, nije bilo dostupnih drugih podataka o pacijentu, sa
sigurnošću se ne može tvrditi, već samo pretpostavljati o pacijentu, njegovoj dijagnozi, uzrocima
njegova stanja ili tijeka i ishoda terapije. Budući da me pacijentov tekst asocijativno vodio
u područje self-psihologije, u ovom radu posvetila sam se zrcaljenju, pitanju narcizma i narcističnih
poremećaja ličnosti, pitanju selfa, self-objekt potreba te terapijskim mogućnostima narcističnih
poremećaja s posebnim osvrtom na inačice transfera i važnost empatije. Spomenuti
su i psihijatrijski poremećaji koji često dolaze u komorbiditetu s narcističnim poremećajima.
Abstract (english) This paper is a commentary on the Psychosis Neurosis story written by a patient to his
therapist in an email form. The clues in the text have led me towards the pathology of the
self, i.e towards the developmental arrest due to the unsatisfied self-object needs. Since no
additional information was available about the patient, save for the email, we can only speculate
about the patient’s diagnosis, the causes of his state, and the course and outcome of his
therapy sessions. Due to the fact of me being led, associatively, towards self-psychology, in
this work I focused on mirroring, narcissism and narcissistic personality disorders, the self,
self-object needs, and therapeutic options for narcissistic personality disorders with special
attention paid to the versions of transfer and the importance of empathy. I also mentioned
some psychiatric disorders that often appear in comorbidity with narcissistic disorders.
Keywords (croatian)
narcistički poremećaji ličnosti
self- objekt potrebe
Keywords (english)
narcissistic personality disorder
self-object needs
Language croatian
Language english
Publication type Scientific paper - Review paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Psihoterapija
Numbering vol. 36, no. 1-2, pp. 86-121
p-ISSN 0350-3186
DOI https://doi.org/10.24869/psihei.2022.86
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:726326
Publication 2022
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/292159
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2023-01-26 20:59:14