Author Ika Rončević-Gržeta
Author's institution (Clinical Hospital Center Rijeka)
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Psychiatry and Psychological Medicine)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Psychiatry
Abstract (english) Desire includes a subjective aspect and a motivational force which, apart from the sexual,
pervades all spheres of human life. When it comes to expressing a desire in a group, this
cannot be merely brought down to sexual desire. Sexual identity, or gender identity, in a
group will affect the way the desire is expressed, and especially so when diverse sexualities
are involved. The degree to which the members of a group will be able to express their
desires in the group depends on a number of factors that may concern either the members,
the conductor, or the group itself. Similar factors determine who the object of the desire will
be: another member, the conductor, or the group as a whole.Topics pertaining to sexuality, especially when sexual differences are in question, are difficult
to approach in a group process since sexuality is considered to be a personal thing,
often accompanied by feelings of guilt or shame. Healthy discussions on the topic are often
not held, especially concerning sexual differences. This way, a path opens towards prejudice
and unnecessary stigma or pathologization of certain sexual features that are oftentimes
just variations of some of sexual or gender identities.
In recent times, we have seen a significant development in acceptance of sexual differences,
as in society so in group therapy. Irrespective of the approach to the issues of sexual
differences in a therapy group, sexual differences are present and affect most aspects of
the group process.
The task of group therapists is to face the changes concerning sexual differences and to
adjust their own moral principles in order for the group to attain cohesion. Consequently,
every member of the group would have the opportunity to express their desires “here and
now”, including those of sexual nature, regardless of sexual differences.
Abstract (croatian) Pod željom se podrazumijeva subjektivni aspekt i motivacijska snaga koja, osim seksualnog,
prožima sve sfere ljudskog života. Kada je u pitanju izražavanje želje u grupi, ne misli se
isključivo na seksualnu želju. Seksualni odnosno rodni identitet u grupi, a osobito kad su u
pitanju seksualne različitosti, utjecat će na način izražavanja želje u grupi. U kojoj će mjeri
članovi grupe biti u stanju izraziti želje u grupi ovisi o više čimbenika povezanih s članovima
grupe ili voditeljem kao i sa samom grupom. O sličnim čimbenicima ovisi i tko će biti objekt
želje: drugi član u grupi, voditelj ili grupa kao cjelina.
Teme koje se odnose na seksualnost, osobito seksualne različitosti, teško su dostupne u
grupnom procesu, budući da se seksualnost drži osobnom temom, često uz prateći osjećaj
krivnje i srama. Valjana rasprava na temu seksualnosti često izostaje, osobito kad je u pitanju
seksualna različitost. Na taj način otvara se prostor predrasudama, a vrlo često i nepotrebnoj
stigmi ili pak patologizaciji određenih seksualnih obilježja koja su često samo različitosti
nekog od seksualnih odnosno rodnih identiteta.
U posljednje vrijeme dolazi do znatnog napretka u prihvaćanju seksualnih različitosti i na
društvenom planu i na planu grupne terapije. Bez obzira na koji način se pristupa pitanjima
seksualnih različitosti u terapijskoj grupi, seksualne različitosti prisutne su i utječu na većinu
aspekata grupnog procesa.
Zadaća grupnih terapeuta jest suočiti se s promjenama na planu seksualnih različitosti i
prilagoditi vlastita moralna načela kako bi grupa postigla koheziju i kako bi svaki član grupe
bio u prilici izraziti želje „ovdje i sada“, uključujući i one seksualne prirode, bez obzira na
seksualne različitosti.
Keywords (english)
group process
sexual differences
sexual desire
Keywords (croatian)
grupni proces
seksualne različitosti
seksualna želja
Language english
Language croatian
Publication type Professional paper - Review paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Psihoterapija
Numbering vol. 35, no. 1-2, pp. 43-70
p-ISSN 0350-3186
DOI https://doi.org/10.24869/psihei.43
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:895113
Publication 2021
Document URL https://hrcak.srce.hr/270466
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2023-01-26 21:11:10