Title Primarne imunodeficijencije : diplomski rad
Title (english) Primary immunodeficiencies
Author Gaia Bellesi
Mentor Jelena Roganović (mentor)
Committee member Srđan Banac (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Igor Prpić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Srećko Severinski (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2023, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract Broj i klasifikacija primarnih imunodeficijencija (PID) su se u posljednja dva desetljeća značajno povećali. Klinička prezentacija PID-a može biti raznolika i ovisi o vrsti bolesti i dobi djeteta, što otežava dijagnostički postupak. Ukupna prevalencija svih PID-ova je značajna i o ranom prepoznavanju i zbrinjavanju poremećaja često ovisi preživljavanje pacijenta. Međunarodni savez imunoloških društava (IUIS) klasificirao je ove poremećaje u deset kategorija, koje obuhvaćaju 500 urođenih grešaka imunosti, na temelju zahvaćenog segmenta imunološkog sustava. Različite skupine razvile su modele koji omogućuju razlikovanje pacijenata s PID-om od onih kod kojih su uzroci rekurentnih infekcija drugi. Modeli se uglavnom temelje na pretpostavci da djeca s PID-om imaju veću vjerojatnost za ozbiljnu infekciju. Većina djece koja imaju rekurentne infekcije, posebno ograničene na jedan organski sustav, ima povećanu izloženost, alergiju ili anatomski problem, a ne defekt imunološkog odgovora. Međutim, mnogi slučajevi PID-a ostaju nedijagnosticirani ili pogrešno dijagnosticirani te posljedično neprikladno i neuspješno liječeni. Procjena PID-a se treba usredotočiti na komponentu imunološkog sustava koja je najvjerojatniji uzrok bolesti na temelju početne procjene. Mnogi PID-ovi se manifestiraju u novorođenačkom razdoblju, a njihovo dijagnosticiranje i optimalno liječenje su izazovni. Međutim, ključno je dijagnosticirati te poremećaje prije pojave teških infekcija i oštećenja organa. Sukladno svim modelima, djeca koja imaju ponavljane infekcije zahtijevaju pažljivu evaluaciju i zbrinjavanje. Za izlječenje je neophodna imunološka rekonstitucija, koja se može postići u nekoliko PID poremećaja putem HSCT (engl. Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation), zamjene enzima, transplantacije timusa ili genske terapije (GT). Novije su terapije inhibitori malih molekula, biološki lijekovi i korištenje adoptivnog prijenosa T-stanica specifičnih za viruse. HSCT se koristi kao terapija izbora za teške PID-ove više od 50 godina, ali je udružena s po život opasnim komplikacijama. Pacijenti s defektom timusa su kandidati za transplantaciju timusa, a ne za HSCT, jer kondicioniranje i transplantacija mogu dovesti do teže imunodeficijencije. Uz mogućnost postavljanja molekularne dijagnoze za pacijente s PID-ovima, raste interes za ciljane terapije koje mogu zamijeniti, pojačati ili modulirati imunološki odgovor pacijenata. Monoklonska protutijela su revolucionirala ciljanu terapiju i smanjila potrebu za širokom upotrebom imunosupresivne terapije. Inhibitori malih molekula su ciljani spojevi niske molekularne težine koje mogu lako ući u stanice i modulirati druge proteine, i time značajno poboljšati imunološku disregulaciju. T-stanice specifične za virus razvijene su za upotrebu u borbi protiv virusnih infekcija u razdoblju prije i nakon transplantacije. Kada je riječ o nizu teških poremećaja imunodeficijencije koji su ograničeni na loze krvotvornih stanica, GT je i izvediva i učinkovita. Iz tradicionalne GT razvila se GE (engl. Gene Editing) metoda koja uključuje ciljanu gensku korekciju patogene varijante uz održavanje upotrebe endogenog promotora gena i drugih regulatornih elemenata. Uz postojeću metodologiju, ova se tehnologija još ne može široko upotrijebiti u kliničkim uvjetima.
Abstract (english) The number of described primary immunodeficiencies (PIDs) and their classification have increased significantly in the last two decades. The clinical presentation of PIDs can be diverse and depends on the type of disease and the age of the child, which complicates the diagnostic procedure. The overall prevalence of all PIDs is significant and the patient's survival often depends on early recognition and treatment of the disorder. The International Union of Immunological Societies (IUIS) has classified these disorders into ten categories, comprising 500 inborn errors of immunity, based on the affected segment of the immune system. Various groups have developed models to distinguish patients with PIDs from those with other causes of recurrent infections. The models are mostly based on the assumption that children with PIDs are more likely to suffer from a serious infection. Most children who present recurrent infections, especially localized to one organ system, have an increased exposure, an allergy, or an anatomic problem rather than a defect in the immune response. However, many cases of PID remain undiagnosed or misdiagnosed and consequently inappropriately and unsuccessfully treated. The evaluation of PID should focus on the component of the immune system that is the most likely cause of the disease based on the initial evaluation. Many PIDs manifest in the neonatal period, and their diagnosis and optimal treatment are challenging. However, it is crucial to diagnose these disorders before severe infections and subsequent organ damage occur. According to all models, children who have recurrent infections require careful evaluation and management. Cure requires immune reconstitution, which can be achieved in several PID disorders through HSCT (Hematopoietic Stem Cells Transplantation), enzyme replacement, thymus transplantation, or gene therapy (GT). Newer therapies include small molecule inhibitors, biologic therapy, and the use of adoptive transfer of virus-specific T-cells. HSCT has been used as the therapy of choice for severe PIDs for more than 50 years, however it is associated with life-threatening complications. Patients with a thymic defect are candidates for thymic transplantation rather than HSCT, as conditioning and transplantation can lead to more severe immunodeficiency. Monoclonal antibodies have revolutionized targeted therapy and reduced the need for widespread use of immunosuppressive therapy. With the possibility of establishing a molecular diagnosis for patients with PIDs, there is growing interest in targeted therapies that can replace, augment, or modulate patients’ immunologic response. Small molecule inhibitors are targeted low molecular weight compounds that can easily enter cells and modulate other proteins, thereby significantly improving immune dysregulation. Virus-specific T-cells have been developed for use in the fight against viral infections in the pre- and post-transplant period. When it comes to a number of severe immunodeficiency diseases that only affect hematopoietic cell lineages, GT is both feasible and effective. The GE (Gene Editing) method has evolved from traditional GT, which includes targeted gene correction of a pathogenic variant while maintaining the use of the endogenous gene promoter and other regulatory elements. With the existing methodology, this technology cannot yet be widely used in clinical settings.
primarne imunodeficijencije
transplantacija koštane srži
genska terapija
biološka terapija
Keywords (english)
inborn errors of immunity
bone marrow transplantation
gene therapy
biological therapy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:875832
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2023-07-03 13:04:01