Title (croatian) Kateterizacija mokraćnoga mjehura – suvremeni pristup
Title (english) Urinary bladder catheterization – modern approach
Author Dean Markić
Author Nada Strčić
Author Irena Markić
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Urology)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Urology
Abstract (croatian) Kateterizacija je rutinski postupak kojim se omogućava drenaža urina iz mokraćnoga mjehura. Može se učiniti u dijagnostičke i terapijske svrhe. Postoji mnogo različitih katetera, a njihov izbor ovisi o razlogu njegova postavljanja. Kateteri za jednokratnu kateterizaciju obično su ravni, napravljeni od polivinil-klorida ili, ponekad, od lateksa. Trajni kateteri imaju retencijski mehanizam, a najčešće se koristi Foleyjev kateter (balon služi kao retencijski mehanizam). Kod dugotrajne kateterizacije preporučuje se korištenje Foleyjeva katetera od biokompatibilnog materijala. Silikonski kateteri, kao i oni obloženi hidrogelom, bolje se toleriraju nego oni proizvedeni od lateksa ili poliuretana. Potrebno je izabrati urinarni kateter najmanjega promjera, koji zadovoljava svrhu kateterizacije. Duljina kateterizacije mora biti što je kraće moguća. Otežana kateterizacija najčešće je prisutna kod muškaraca. Njezini uzroci mogu biti striktura uretre, uvećana prostata ili skleroza vrata mjehura. Otežana kateterizacija u žena prisutna je kod adipoznih osoba ili u slučaju kada se ne može pronaći vanjsko ušće uretre. Najčešća komplikacija vezana uz kateterizaciju je infekcija mokraćnoga sustava, koja sa sobom donosi značajan i morbiditet i mortalitet. To je inače i najčešći uzrok nozokomijalnih infekcija, čak do 40 %. Ostale moguće komplikacije su parafimoza, „lažni prolaz”, striktura uretre, perforacija uretre i krvarenje. Kateterizacija mokraćnoga mjehura u većine je pacijenata jednostavan postupak koji zbog mogućih popratnih komplikacija zahtijeva standardiziran pristup i provedbu.
Abstract (english) Catheterization is a routine medical procedure that facilitates direct drainage of the urinary bladder. It is used for both the diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Many types of catheters are available for urethral catheterization, and the choice of a specific type of catheter depends on the reason for catheterization. The catheter for one-time catheterization is usually a straight catheter made from polyvynyl chloride or sometimes latex. For long-term catheterization catheters need a retention mechanism. Foley type catheters (balloon served as retention mechanism) are most often used for long-term urethral catheterization. If long-term catheterization is anticipated, it is advisable to use a Foley catheter made of the most biocompatible material. Catheters made of silicone or coated with hydrogel are, in general, better tolerated over the long-term than those made of materials like latex and polyurethane. In addition, one should choose the smallest urethral catheter that will accomplish the purpose of catheterization. The duration of catheterization must be as short as possible. Difficult catheterization is mostly seen in male patients. The most frequents causes are urethral stricture, prostatic enlargement and bladder neck contracture. Difficulty in catheterization of the female urethra is uncommon and usually results from extreme obesity and inability to locate the urethral meatus. The most frequent complication associated with catheterization is catheter-associated urinary tract infection resulting in significant morbidity and mortality. It is the most common nosocomial infection, comprising >40 % of all institutionally aquired infections. Other possible complications are paraphimosis, creation of false passage, urethral stricture, urethral perforation and bleeding. Catheterization is a routine procedure in the majority of patients but because of potential complications, performance must be standardized.
Keywords (croatian)
infekcije mokraćnoga sustava
retencija urina
urinarna kateterizacija
urinarni kateter
Keywords (english)
urinary catheter
urinary catheterization
urinary retention
urinary tract infections
Language croatian
Publication type Professional paper - Review paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Medicina Fluminensis : Medicina Fluminensis
Numbering vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 158-168
p-ISSN 0025-7729
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:982109
Publication 2014-06-02
Document URL http://hrcak.srce.hr/121856
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2017-04-26 11:24:10