Author Dražen Kovač
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of General Pathology and Pathological Anatomy)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pathology
Abstract (croatian) SAŽETAK
Biopsija jetre iglom, najbolji je dijagnostički postupak koji daje uvid u stvarno oštećenje jetrenoga parenhima, ne samo kod hepatitisa C već i kod drugih bolesti koje pogađaju jetru. Materijal dobiven punkcijom koristi se uglavnom za patohistološku analizu, ali može se koristiti i za elektronsko mikroskopiranje, te za molekularnu analizu. Materijal mora biti najmanje duljine 1,5 cm i širine 0,2 cm, a određuje li se stupanj oštećenja jetre numeričkim indeksom HAI (engl. histology activity index), mora sadržavati bar 6 cjelovitih portalnih prostora. Godine 1995. Ishak i suradnici uveli su numerički indeks koji koristi grading i staging. Grading označava stupanj oštećenja jetre (piecemeal nekroze, konfluirajuće i premošćujuće nekroze, žarišne nekroze i apoptoze, te portalna upala), a staging označava promjene u građi jetre, količinu fibroze, odnosno cirozu kao krajnju fazu bolesti. Ukupni zbroj bodova kliničaru daje podatke o stanju jetrenoga
tkiva, te se na osnovi toga određuje terapijski protokol.
Abstract (english) SUMMARY
Liver needle biopsy is the best diagnostic procedure to estimate a profound of liver damage, not only in Hepatitis, then in the other liver diseases. Specimen provided by liver needle biopsy is used generally for patohistological analysis, but also could be used for electron microscopy and molecular analysis. Specimen has to be 1,5 cm long and 0,2 cm wide at least and must contain
6 whole portal areas for assesing HAI (histology activity index). HAI is a numerical score for evaluation the grade of liver damage. In 1995, Ishak and colleagues were introduced a numerical score which used a terms grading and staging. Grading means the degree of liver damage (piecemeal necrosis, confluent ang bridging necrosis, focal necrosis and apoptosis, portal inflammation), staging means architectural changes, fibrosis and cirrhosis. Total score is a guideline for a clinician to choose an exact therapeutic protocol.
Keywords (croatian)
biopsija jetre
stupanj oštećenja jetre (grading i staging)
Keywords (english)
liver biopsy
liver damage
Language croatian
Publication type Professional paper - Review paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Medicina Fluminensis
Numbering vol. 43., no. 2., pp. 138-142
p-ISSN 0025-7729
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:936333
Publication 2007-06-25
Document URL http://hrcak.srce.hr/22566
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2017-04-27 16:32:33