Author Marija Rađenović
Mentor Srećko Severinski (mentor)
Committee member Kristina Lah Tomulić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Milardović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nado Bukvić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-06-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Pediatrics
Abstract Sindrom multiple endokrine neoplazije naziv je za rijetku skupinu genetski nasljednih poremećaja koje karakterizira istovremena pojava benignih i/ili malignih neoplazmi u dva ili više udaljenih endokrinih organa. Neoplastične endokrine promjene mogu uključivati pojavu benignih neoplazmi poput adenoma, malignih neoplazmi poput karcinoma, ali i metastatskih tumorskih oblika koje se razvijaju u manjeg broja oboljelih. Sindrom se nasljeđuje autosomno-dominantno s vrlo visokom penetrantnošću te se može klinički manifestirati u bilo kojoj dobi, pa i u djece od najranijih mjeseci života, podjednako u dječaka i djevojčica. Klinička prezentacija bolesti ovisi o tipu sindroma MEN, odnosno o vrsti genske mutacije, lokalizaciji, veličini i agresivnosti neoplazije, a radi preciznijeg pristupa dijagnostici i liječenju, od iznimne je važnosti znati pravovremeno prepoznati i međusobno razlikovati tri klinička oblika sindroma MEN: MEN1 (Wermerov sindrom), MEN2 i MEN4, od kojih se MEN2 dodatno dijeli i na MEN2A (Sippleov sindrom) i MEN2B podtip. Većini nositelja mutacije koji se žele ostvariti kao roditelji osjeća zabrinutost radi visokog rizika od prijenosa genetske mutacije na svoje potomstvo, zbog čega je oboljele nužno uputiti na genetsko savjetovanje i informirati ih o mogućnostima in vitro fertilizacije te predimplantacijskom genetskom testiranju . Osim detaljnog specijalističkog pregleda od strane pedijatrijskog endokrinologa, postavljanju konačne dijagnoze točno određenog tipa sindroma MEN u djece uvelike doprinose radiološko-slikovne metode, laboratorijski nalazi krvi i urina te rezultati genetskog testiranja,. Neoplazmama se, neovisno o tipu sindroma MEN, najčešće primarno pristupa kirurškim metodama liječenja.
Abstract (english) Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome is the name for a rare group of genetically inherited disorders characterized by the simultaneous appearance of benign and/or malignant neoplasms in two or more distant endocrine organs. Neoplastic endocrine changes can include the appearance of benign neoplasms such as adenomas, malignant neoplasms such as carcinoma, but also metastatic tumor forms that develop in a smaller number of patients. The syndrome is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner with a very high penetrance and can be clinically manifested at any age, even in children from the earliest months of life, both in boys and girls. The clinical presentation of the disease depends on the type of MEN syndrome, i.e. on the type of gene mutation, localization, size and aggressiveness of the neoplasia, and for a more precise approach to diagnosis and treatment, it is extremely important to be able to timely recognize and differentiate between the three clinical forms of the MEN syndrome: MEN1 (Wermer's syndrome ), MEN2 and MEN4, of which MEN2 is further divided into MEN2A (Sipple syndrome) and MEN2B subtype. Most of the carriers of the mutation who want to become parents feel concerned about the high risk of transferring the genetic mutation to their offspring, which is why it is necessary to refer patients to genetic counseling and inform them about the possibilities of in vitro fertilization and pre-implantation genetic testing. In addition to a detailed specialist examination by a pediatric endocrinologist, radiological-imaging methods, blood and urine laboratory findings, and genetic testing results greatly contribute to the final diagnosis of a specific type of MEN syndrome in children. Neoplasms, regardless of the type of MEN syndrome, are most often treated primarily with surgical methods of treatment.
Sindrom MEN
Genetsko savjetovanje
Neoplazme u djece
Wermerov sindrom
Sippleov sindrom
Keywords (english)
Key words: MEN syndrome
Genetic counseling
Neoplasms in children
Wermer's syndrome
Sipple's syndrome
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:430075
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2024-06-28 19:38:41