Title Transplantacija bubrega u dječjoj dobi
Title (english) Kidney transplantation in children
Author Lucija Debelić
Mentor Dean Markić (mentor)
Committee member Stanislav Sotošek (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Romano Oguić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Josip Španjol (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine Rijeka
Defense date and country 2024-07-12, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Clinical Medical Sciences Urology
Abstract Metoda koja se preferira u liječenju terminalne faze zatajenja bubrega u pedijatrijskoj populaciji je transplantacija bubrega. Koliko su bubrezi bitni kao jedan od vitalnih organa pokazuju njegove brojne funkcije. Kada neka od kroničnih bolesti bubrega dovede do njegovog zatajenja, dolazi do narušene homeostaze organizma, te se stvara potreba za nadomještanjem bubrežne funkcije dijalizom ili transplantacijom. Najčešća stanja koja dovode do završnog stadija bubrežne bolesti u djece su kongenitalne anomalije bubrega, glomerulonefritisi i opstruktivna nefropatija.
Za konačni uspješni ishod transplantacije jednako su bitni adekvatna priprema pacijenta, precizna kirurška tehnika i praćenje pacijenta nakon transplantacije. Vezano uz pripremu za transplantaciju, bitna imunološka, kirurška, urološka, psihosocijalna te pitanja vezana uz maligne bolesti i komorbiditete treba uzeti u obzir. Kirurška tehnika transplantacije bubrega je složena jer se radi o dva odvojena, a povezana operacijska zahvata – eksplantaciji i implantaciji organa. Pri tome je potrebno obratiti pozornost na specifičnosti dječje anatomije i izazove koje ona sa sobom nosi. U praćenju pedijatrijskih pacijenata nakon transplantacije stavlja se naglasak na održanje odgovarajuće imunosupresije te prevenciju infekcija, razvoja kardiovaskularnih i malignih bolesti, usporenog rasta, anemije i negativnih utjecaja na psihičko zdravlje. Za život nakon transplantacije najvažnija je kontinuirana podrška obitelji.
Svakom je djetetu u Republici Hrvatskoj, kod kojega postoji potreba za transplantacijom bubrega, pružena najsuvremenija skrb u ovom području. Hrvatska je kao dio Eurotransplanta u sustavu organizirane i uspješne razmjene organa, što rezultira boljim preživljenjem i uspješnijom budućnosti svakog djeteta s terminalnim zatajenjem bubrega.
Abstract (english) The preferred method for treating end-stage renal failure in the pediatric population is kidney transplantation. The importance of kidneys as one of the vital organs is demonstrated by their numerous functions. When one of the chronic kidney diseases leads to its failure, the body's homeostasis is disrupted, creating the need to replace kidney function through dialysis or transplantation. The most common conditions leading to end-stage kidney disease in children are congenital kidney anomalies, glomerulonephritis, and obstructive nephropathy.
For a successful transplantation outcome, adequate patient preparation, precise surgical technique, and posttransplantation patient monitoring are equally important. Regarding preparation for transplantation, important immunological, surgical, urological, psychosocial, and issues related to malignant diseases and comorbidities must be considered. The surgical technique of kidney transplantation is complex because it involves two separate yet connected surgical procedures – explantation and implantation of the organ. Attention must be paid to the specifics of pediatric anatomy and the challenges it presents. In monitoring pediatric patients after transplantation, emphasis is placed on maintaining appropriate immunosuppression and preventing infections, cardiovascular and malignant diseases, growth restriction, anemia, and negative impacts on mental health. Continuous family support is crucial for life after transplantation.
Every child in the Republic of Croatia who needs a kidney transplant is provided with the most advanced care in this field. As part of Eurotransplant, Croatia is involved in an organized and successful organ exchange system, resulting in better survival and more successful future for every child with end-stage renal failure.
preemptivna transplantacija
Keywords (english)
preemptive transplantation
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:280149
Study programme Title: Medicine Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica medicine (doktor/doktorica medicine)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2024-06-30 10:03:32