Title (croatian) Hepatoprotektivno djelovanje fitokemikalija
Title (english) Hepatoprotective activity of phytochemicals
Author Robert Domitrović
Author's institution University of Rijeka Faculty of Medicine (Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Basic Medical Sciences
Abstract (croatian) Jetra je središnji organ u detoksikaciji ksenobiotika i proizvoda metabolizma i kao takav podložan je oštećenju. Brojni čimbenici mogu dovesti do oštećenja jetre, prije svega egzogeni čimbenici kao što su lijekovi, alkohol, neki sastojci hrane, hepatotropni virusi i dr. Zbog ponovljenog izlaganja hepatotoksičnom agensu, akutno oštećenje može prerasti u kronični hepatitis, što često zahtijeva presađivanje organa. Danas još uvijek ne postoji uspješni način liječenja hepatitisa, te se naglasak stavlja na prevenciju. U terapiji oštećenja jetre, uz klasične lijekove kao što je interferon kod virusnog hepatitisa, raste spoznaja o mogućnosti korištenja iscrpaka nekih biljaka i njihovih najaktivnijih komponenti kao dopuna postojećoj terapiji. Brojna su istraživanja pokazala hepatoprotektivan učinak fitokemikalija kao što su silimarin, glicirizin, luteolin, kvercetin i drugi prirodni spojevi, kako u prevenciji, tako i u terapiji nekih oblika bolesti jetre. Njihov pozitivan učinak pripisuje se prvenstveno antioksidativnom djelovanju, no antioksidansi nisu „magični spojevi” koji mogu nespecifično liječiti bilo koji poremećaj ili bolest. Istraživanja na životinjama i staničnim kulturama ukazuju na to da mnoge fitokemikalije ulaze u interakciju sa staničnom signalizacijom i ekspresijom gena, što može predstavljati osnovu za njihovo selektivno korištenje u specifičnim patološkim procesima.
Abstract (english) Liver is the central organ in detoxification of xenobiotics and metabolism products, and as such is subject to damage. Many factors can lead to liver damage, primarily exogenous factors such as drugs, alcohol, some food ingredients, hepatotrophic viruses, etc. As a result of repeated exposure to a hepatotoxic agent, acute damage can develop into chronic hepatitis, which may require organ transplantation. Today, there is still no successful treatment for hepatitis, and thus the emphasis is on prevention. In the treatment of liver damage, in addition to classic drugs such as interferon for viral hepatitis, there is a growing awareness of the possibility of using some plant extracts and their most active components as a complement to existing therapies. Numerous studies have shown hepatoprotective effects of phytochemicals such as silymarin, glycyrrhizin, luteolin, quercetin and other natural compounds, both in prevention and in treatment of some forms of liver disease. Their positive effect is primarily attributed to antioxidant activity, but antioxidants are not “magic compounds” that can non-specifically treat any disorder or disease. Research in animals and cell cultures show that many phytochemicals interact with cell signalling and gene expression, which could be the basis for their selective use in specific pathological processes.
Keywords (croatian)
ljekovito bilje
oštećenje jetre
Keywords (english)
hepatic damage
medicinal plants
Language croatian
Publication type Professional paper - Review paper
Publication status Published
Peer review Peer review
Publication version Published version
Journal title Medicina Fluminensis : Medicina Fluminensis
Numbering vol. 48, no. 1, pp. 4-14
p-ISSN 0025-7729
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:184:123844
Publication 2012-03-01
Document URL http://hrcak.srce.hr/80225
Type of resource Text
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine
Created on 2017-05-10 10:23:48