Brajdić, A. i Mijandrušić Sinčić, B. (2012). Insights to the Ethiopathogenesis of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease. U I. Szabo, (Ur.), Inflammatory bowel disease (str. 1-19). Rijeka: InTech. doi: 10.5772/52970
Brajdić, Ana i Brankica Mijandrušić Sinčić. "Insights to the Ethiopathogenesis of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease." Inflammatory bowel disease, Ur. Imre Szabo, InTech, 2012, str. 1-19.
Brajdić, Ana i Brankica Mijandrušić Sinčić. "Insights to the Ethiopathogenesis of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease." U Inflammatory bowel disease, ur. Imre Szabo, 1-19. Rijeka: InTech, 2012.
Brajdić, A. i Mijandrušić Sinčić, B. (2012) 'Insights to the Ethiopathogenesis of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease' u Szabo, I. (ur.) Inflammatory bowel diseaseRijeka: InTech, str. 1-19. Preuzeto s: (Datum pristupa: 15.02.2025.)
Brajdić A, Mijandrušić Sinčić B. Insights to the Ethiopathogenesis of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease. U: I. Szabo, ur. Inflammatory bowel disease. Rijeka: InTech; 2012. Str. 1-19. [pristupljeno 15.02.2025.] Dostupno na:
A. Brajdić i B. Mijandrušić Sinčić, "Insights to the Ethiopathogenesis of the Inflammatory Bowel Disease", Inflammatory bowel disease, I. Szabo, Ur. Rijeka: InTech, 2012, str. 1-19. [Online] Dostupno na: